View Full Version : Fallen Acorns

Christopher Miller
09-14-2009, 06:30 PM
This is one of the photos I took while experimenting for the Labor Day contest in the macro forum. For this photo, I placed the camera on the ground and arranged a number of acorns in front of it. Do you think this composition works? If not, how would you suggest improving it? Any C&C are welcome!

Olympus SP-550 UZ
f4.5 @ 1/30, ISO 100, -0.3 EV
Aperture priority mode, pattern metering, cloudy WB
Processed in PS CS2; curves and levels adjustments, channel mixer, converted to tritone, cropped slightly, and added a vignette

Hazel Grant
09-14-2009, 06:49 PM
The color tone of the overall, and the sharpness of the forefront impress me. Balanced seeking person that I am, I'd move the one to the right of the forefront acorn just a big closer to the left. But then, that might defeat the random nature you'd be trying to achieve. A personal choice. Overall, I really like the shot.

Dave Mills
09-14-2009, 06:52 PM
Christopher, I think the comp works very well. I like the sepia tone with your center of interest being the dominant acorn. I like how the other acorns form a backround but are muted enough not to pull your eye away from the COI. Creative and well handled!!

denise ippolito
09-14-2009, 07:22 PM
Christopher, I really like the color tones! The comp. is interesting and unique and I love it! I keep coming back to this and I think the small whiter piece in the back of main acorn should be evicted.

Christopher Miller
09-14-2009, 08:30 PM
Never noticed that spot, Denise, though now that you mention it, it's quite obvious. It has now been duly evicted. :)

Thanks Hazel, Dave, and Denise for the comments. Much appreciated!

denise ippolito
09-14-2009, 08:51 PM
Christopher, It looks good!

Julie Kenward
09-16-2009, 03:03 PM
Love the comp and the angle on this one, Christopher. It reminds me of getting down low to shoot some marbles.

Lovely tones to this one as well. You did very well with the duotone challenge - keep 'em coming!

Michael Pancier
09-16-2009, 04:48 PM
love the composition and depth of field on this. I'm not a huge sepia fan and would prefer it in traditional silver. nicely done.

Christopher Miller
09-16-2009, 06:25 PM
Thanks Denise, Jules, and Michael! Appreciate your comments. Michael, personally I like sepia over B&W most of the time, but I might try this in silver too, though, just to see how it looks.

Roman Kurywczak
09-22-2009, 04:23 PM
Hey Christopher,
The clean up Denise recommended was just the right touch. Love the falloff with the sharp FG one. Very nicely done!
PS I like the sepia