View Full Version : Spotted Towhee

Peter Wallack
09-07-2009, 05:17 PM
Canon EOS 3 100-400 Is 1.4x 560 mm F8 aperture priority Provia 100f exp mod - 1 2/3

Randy Stout
09-07-2009, 06:14 PM

Your image shows the Towhee in his environment well. I wish I could see a bit more of the bird. Head angle is good. The uneven lighting does make this type of image a challenge. I would consider toning down the brighter spots in the background as they are a bit distracting. You might be able to bring up the bird a bit with shadows recovery as you know, if the noise doesn't come up too much.



Peter Wallack
09-07-2009, 10:25 PM
Shadows/ Highlights doesn't clip blacks or whites nor does it effect total blacks or total whites. Burning whites turns them gray. The less than 2 % of the picture that is hot whites will stay as a distraction; the distraction is to tell the viewer see how bright it is out in the sun compared to where the bird spends most of its time.

Distractions are good here in my humble opinion since they serve a purpose; sight is done by scanning constatly so a distraction that one sees as in peripheral vision can be overcome by the correct mind set to focus.

When there is a merge or huge competition the distraction will win out.

I would like to know from the many of you who come to this post which kind of distraction this is A) overpoweing and competive so harmful B) information and brief adding to the intentions of the presentation C) Both D) Neither

Thank you for taking this survey,


NEW Tuesay: Thanks for looking. I am glad this is not your credit card which is, or at least was till recently, traced. No this software won't do that so if the safest thing for you all is justing look in big nuumbers, it delights me to share with you my quite different concepts of the bird and its environment. I am not saying my approach is any way better than the mainstream being pushed hard on this site. I love the other posts and have gone through about 25% of the history of this site.



Roman Kurywczak
09-08-2009, 09:28 AM
Hey Peter,
In my opinion I think you left one off one letter on the survey;E Discard......that's my vote.
Not enough of the subject to be a fair representation of the bird.

Peter Wallack
09-08-2009, 01:30 PM
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width="100%"><TBODY><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD class=smallfont vAlign=top>11.</TD><TD class=smallfont>By posting on BPN you agree not to post any content that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, rude, racist, disrespectful, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, threatening, obscene, profane, pornographic or otherwise in violation of any law. </TD></TR><TR><TD class=smallfont vAlign=top>12.</TD><TD class=smallfont>Direct selling, promotion or advertising of any product and/or service in the Forums is strictly forbidden. </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD class=smallfont vAlign=top>13.</TD><TD class=smallfont>Private Messaging is for personal use only - using it to solicit business or as a mass-marketing tool is forbidden. </TD></TR><TR><TD class=smallfont vAlign=top>14.</TD><TD class=smallfont>Personal Messages (PM) between users or PM between a user and moderator are not to be discussed in public with out the consent of both parties. Moderators may freely share PM content with other moderators as long as it relates to forum business.</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD class=smallfont vAlign=top>15.</TD><TD class=smallfont>Members nor Users will be permitted to restrict or inhibit any other member or user from using and enjoying the forum by harassing, intentionally agitating, showing hostility towards or being persistently unpleasant. If BPN Administrators or Moderators determine that a user has violated this rule, a warning may be sent to the offending party. If the violations are severe, or if they continue after a warning, a user's privileges to access BPN can and will be terminated without notice. If the terminated user is a paid member, BPN will refund their annual fee.

That makes my second image post first response and third image post third response

-both by moderators- in violation of rules 11 and 15 above of this forum as disrespecttful, rude and constituting a pattern of harrassment to have me leave the forum ( 2nd post) and here discard a thread (third post).

Peter Wallack

Roman Kurywczak
09-08-2009, 01:43 PM
Actually Peter, you asked for an opinion and since others didn't give it.....I did! I didn't feel A was entirely correct.....ao I could have answered D...neither....but decided to explain my choice with the E. I still stand by what I said; for me it is more of an environ shot.
I will refrain from commenting on your images in the future.