View Full Version : Pygmy Falcon (Polihierax semitorquatus)

Dave Barnes
09-07-2009, 02:55 PM
One of the birds that I specifically wanted to capture in the Kalahari.
These are birds of dry open bush and wooded areas below 1600m.
These diminutive birds of prey can be seen perching on exposed branches from which they fly down and take small reptiles or large insects.
With a length of only 20cm these really are "pygmy" falcons

Camera Model Name Canon EOS-1D Mark III
Lens EF500mm f/4L IS USM
Av( Aperture Value ) 5.6
ISO Speed 400
Tv( Shutter Speed ) 1/2500
Metering Mode Evaluative Metering
Exposure Compensation +2/3

Gal Shon
09-07-2009, 03:34 PM
That is a good looking Falcon,
I like the species / bird, sharpness, colors, lovely sky color / BG and light.
Wish for a better shooting angle.

Axel Hildebrandt
09-07-2009, 04:03 PM
Good-looking specimen, eye contact and sharpness. Could you have added a TC and moved back a few steps for a less steeper angle?

09-07-2009, 05:29 PM
One interesting thing about this angle is that it increases the impression that this is a dangerous predator. A high position increases the sense of inequality between individuals (there's a reason judges sit high up on the bench), and is a tactical advantage for a predator. This viewpoint allows you to feel something of what a prey animal might experience.


Brian Barcelos
09-07-2009, 08:26 PM
Dave, this is a gorgeous species and you did great on the exposure and comp. Good sharpness and the BG makes him stick out nicely. Agree with shooting angle issue and wish the thorn wasn't going through his neck. Still love this image though. Congrats


Stu Bowie
09-07-2009, 11:51 PM
Hi Dave, I like the eye contact, and good placement of the Pygmy in the frame. This is sharp, and I like the colour of the sky. Great sighting.

Jeni Williams
09-08-2009, 01:05 AM
Congrats on getting the Pygmy - certainly not an easy bird to get all that detail on. Good eye contact, sharp and nice bg.

Harshad Barve
09-08-2009, 07:40 AM
lovely looking species , nice details and sharpness , loved sky as BG

Chris Kotze
09-08-2009, 11:50 AM
Cool pose, colours sharp and super exposure. Great shot Dave

Dave Barnes
09-09-2009, 12:31 AM
Thanks to all for looking aned for comments.
Unfortunately a better angle was not possible due to branches that were in the way.
They were removed in this image.

Geurt Bloem
09-09-2009, 03:40 AM
Seems like you had lots of opportunities in the Kalahari. These guys are really small and very skittish to even get an opportunity to photograph. You did well with this opportunity and whiles one would wish for a different scenario, this is what was offered. A keeper till the next opportunity I'd say.

Dave Barnes
09-10-2009, 04:35 AM
Thanks Geurt, yes this one will be kept at this stage, I was very happy to get it.