View Full Version : Grand Manan Plover

Paul Lagasi
09-07-2009, 10:02 AM
On a recent trip to Grand Manan, NB...I was lucky enough to see a few shorebirds...this was one of my better photos...lying down on shore this Plover just kept getting closer..lower angle and luck helped...

300 2.8

Mike Milicia
09-07-2009, 11:01 AM
Very nice to see the bird on the beautiful beach cobbles instead of the more typical sand.
Great job getting close!

Might try toning down the highlights a bit in the fg rocks and toning down the bg in general.

Axel Hildebrandt
09-07-2009, 11:05 AM
Nice capture of this juvi. I like the head angle and unusual (for me) setting and agree with Mike regarding toning down the highlights and maybe raising the color temperature a few degrees. The OOF bird is not too distracting.

Ed Vatza
09-07-2009, 04:26 PM
Nice detail and head angle. This looks to be along a steep embankment and I getting the feeling that I am going to start rolling to the right. I am wondering how it might look with a ccw adjustment to level the playing field a bit.

Paul Lagasi
09-07-2009, 08:49 PM
I tried a CCW rotation but didn't look right because the birds straight leg was at a bad angle...lolol..Axel what OOF bird (thats rocks in background)?...how does one adjust color temperature in jpeg?...thanks for comments

Mike Milicia
09-07-2009, 08:55 PM
Axel what OOF bird (thats rocks in background)?
I didn't notice it either until Axel mentioned it but it is clearly there in the upper right corner just to the left of the brightest rock.

Paul Lagasi
09-07-2009, 09:01 PM
Sorry Mike....checked original, then photo sequence before and after this photo...no bird in top corner or anywhere near this bird..lol..but darn near had me convinced

Axel Hildebrandt
09-07-2009, 10:05 PM
You are kidding, right? :)

Paul Lagasi
09-07-2009, 10:27 PM
Lol..wish I was...the two things that look like legs are yellow seaweed and the thing you circled is a rock..not kidding, thanks for asking..

Axel Hildebrandt
09-07-2009, 10:32 PM
Lol..wish I was...the two things that look like legs are yellow seaweed and the thing you circled is a rock..not kidding, thanks for asking..

I respectfully disagree. :) I think it is a semipalmated plover from behind and you can see the shadow of the bird underneath it.

Paul Lagasi
09-07-2009, 10:44 PM
No problem....disagree all you want :) but I was there....lol....

Peter Wallack
09-08-2009, 03:01 AM
Sorry Paul about your veracity being so blatantly being disrespected here. The logical thing a person does here is analyze the bird and shadow that the Axel is saying exist and say this is not the lighting on the real bird in the foreground. There would be a midday shadow under your real bird.

I don't think. I know there is some apologizing to do here and I am really surprised a Newbee has to step up and say so; where are all you oldies with integrity?

I really have to say someone of authority here hasn't looked and thought. I am beginning to disbelieve in some of the authoritative observations made here but will continue to post to at least show because I believe I learn most by seeing and being positive with the artists. You are the artist here, Paul.

Best regards,

Peter Wallack

Paul Lagasi
09-08-2009, 07:20 AM
No, Mr. Wallace apology not needed, all in fun..Axel has been a friend in here, since I started ..and has helped me to learn, as have all the moderators....but in this instance....lolol...:):D:p;) and finally..with a little :cool:. No bird.

But I know when I got to be in my 50's my eyesight went a little bad...lololol

Back to renovating...Have a Good Day all...Paul

Roman Kurywczak
09-08-2009, 05:22 PM
Hi All,
No disrespect here Paul but I do have to ask.....how does a rock cast a shadow....with a light area below it B4 the shadow? Think about it for a moment. I will agree with Axel that it is another bird.....as for the image.....love the fact that you got the bird on the rocks.....very nice setting and the environs help make this a very nice composition.

John Chardine
09-08-2009, 05:58 PM
Love it Paul. Very well done. The package is what I like- pebbles, slope, birds, feet, sharpness. I could go on!

Paul Lagasi
09-08-2009, 07:46 PM
Thanks everyone, for comments....

One more time...no disrespect to anyone....there was one bird on this particular beach...I sat with him for 15 minutes...no other bird in sight...if your eyes see another bird, then I've succeeded in creating an optical illusion.

My photo below shows what was there...you can believe me or not...:confused:...Axel I respect your opinion very much but your wrong on this one......I will not replay anymore on this subject.

Gyorgy Szimuly
09-09-2009, 02:48 AM
This thread makes me think a bit... The in-focus bird is nice with nice details. It can be that you was behind your camera but the OOF thing is a plover showing its back. Axel is right. Every characteristics makes it an OOF Semipalmated Plover. White collar, yellow legs, dark face and even the shadow its body produced is clearly visible. Would have been better to talk about the main subject but it is obvious the OOF bird is touching the whole image. Normally it would be a marginal issue but I have to stand by Axel who just pointed to a possible eye-catching element out of the main subject. He was right... you are kidding.


Dan Brown
09-09-2009, 07:43 PM
Nice shot Paul! love the little guys feet. However, the rocks and seaweed in the OOFBG that looks like another Semi-plover is a bit distracting:D. Maybe you could use the plover coverupper tool in CS7.5 on it:D

Paul Lagasi
09-09-2009, 11:22 PM
LOLOLOL....CS7.5...going to look into that...thanks Dan

Arthur Morris
09-13-2009, 07:07 PM
Thanks everyone, for comments....

One more time...no disrespect to anyone....there was one bird on this particular beach...I sat with him for 15 minutes...no other bird in sight...if your eyes see another bird, then I've succeeded in creating an optical illusion.

My photo below shows what was there...you can believe me or not...:confused:...Axel I respect your opinion very much but your wrong on this one......I will not replay anymore on this subject.

Nice drawing and no need to reply, but the circled object is indeed a plover facing away. Whether you noticed it or not there were two birds on the beach, and both are included in your image.