View Full Version : Theme: Light - Contest Winners

Harold Davis
09-06-2009, 09:20 AM
I had to seek some advice this week. Havent had a tougher decision yet!! There were lots of quality creations. I wish I could make more winners, but there can only be one. Here goes:

1st Place - Indranil Sircar with Lanterns

2nd Place - Cheryl Schlecta with Kaleidoscope Lattice

3rd Place - Mirenchu Fernandez with Seeking the Light

4th Place - Cindy Cone with Swan Spotlight

5th Place - Ramesh Adkoli with Light Bubbles

I have to give some Honorable Mentions here because I loved these so much. First of all to Cheryl Schlecta cause she had several I liked a lot. Christopher Miller had a couple too!! Kerry Perkins' Fresnel Lens was super. Indranil had another - Lotus Temple that I loved. Christopher Miller had two fantastic pieces!!!

I said this was tough. NOT KIDDING! I had four browsers open at the same time looking at different ones. You guys are tough! I'm glad I'm getting a couple weeks off. Have fun folks!! That's what it's all about!!!

denise ippolito
09-06-2009, 09:26 AM
Harold, Really great job judging this week! I know it's getting harder each week! Thankyou:)
Indranil, Great image and a very well deserved win!! Big Congratulations!!
Cheryl, Another really cool image-well done!Congrats!!
Mirenchu, Beautiful image!Congratulations!!
Cindy, Great image!Congratulations!!
Ramesh, Very interesting image!Congratulations!!
To everyone else a big Congratulations-This was a very fun week!!:D

Dave Mills
09-06-2009, 10:00 AM
Another big thanks to Harold for his careful and thoughtful review of the images presented.
I congratulate all the winners and participants who made valuable contributions to this weeks theme.
A job well done by all with many of us learning a bit more than we knew the week before.
Looking forward to this week!

Mark Fuge
09-06-2009, 10:44 AM
Congrats to all winners and participants alike. Great show.

Kerry Perkins
09-06-2009, 11:39 AM
Big congrats to all the winners and participants! So many interesting and well-executed entries and it just keeps getting better. Big time thanks to you Harold - judging this group is not easy and we all appreciate your time and thougthful consideration.

Cheryl Slechta
09-06-2009, 12:09 PM
Harold, thanks for taking the time to judge! And I know it must have been difficult this week with so many
amazing entries. Indranil - congratulations - it was my pick also! And congratulations to Mirenchu, Cindy
and Ramesh for their beauties:) The best part is how much information is shared and enjoyed by us all. And
it is FUN!!!


Cindy Cone
09-06-2009, 02:20 PM
Thanks so much for all your hard work with the judging, Harold. What a tough job! Congrats to all the winners, as well as participants. I agree with Cheryl - so much information and learning shared, as well as being fun.

Indranil Sircar
09-06-2009, 03:23 PM
Thank you Harold and congratulation to Cheryl, Miranchu, Cindy and Ramesh. Another great week of amazing images. I continue to learn from all the postings. Everyone is a winner here!

Dave Phillips
09-06-2009, 05:07 PM
congrats all, some beautiful images this week

Christopher Miller
09-06-2009, 09:12 PM
Thanks a lot for judging, Harold! Congrats to all the winners and participants!

Nick Palmieri
09-07-2009, 07:02 AM
Congrats to the winners and congrats to the judge, OOTB judging has got to be a challenge! Great images across the board.