View Full Version : Roller #3

Aditya Shankar
08-26-2009, 12:59 PM

Hi All,

Third image in the series.. I just love this colorful bird.. I know the perch is not an ideal one and I even had to clone out some thorny sticks near the bird's leg. This is a vert. crop of the orig image.. and also reducing the space at the top might improve the comp. but I thought it would make the comp a bit square-ish.. I may be wrong.. C & C welcome .. Thanks!

Exif info :
Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture: f/8.0
Focal Length: 400 mm
Exposure: +0.35
ISO Speed: 400

Lorant Voros
08-26-2009, 01:47 PM
I like the species; nice exposure, maybe it could go a bit darker.Nice sharpness and open beak and I like the perch too...

I'd go with a landscape crop and place the bird more to the right side. Otherwise it is very nice image. Congrats.

Arthur Morris
08-26-2009, 04:05 PM
The excessive space above the bird does nothing for the image. I like the SH, the EXP, and the head angle. There seems to be some odd stuff going on in the BKGR both behind the bird and along the top of the frame. (I do not think that they are a result of my being on my back-up laptop...) Does anyone else see what I am talking about? The ones behind the back look like some type of poor cloning.

BYW, I do not mind the perch at all.

Kaustubh Deshpande
08-26-2009, 04:29 PM
agree with Arthur. I also see those spots on my monitor.

Aditya...like the sharpness, head turn and open beak. But frankly, I am not too thrilled with the vertical framing. beautiful bird no doubt.


Daniel Cadieux
08-26-2009, 06:59 PM
Yes, those cloning marks are obvious, both where Artie mentions and also near the feet. The bird itself looks quite nice...but the rest of the PP needs some tidying up, and the comp needs improvement. There is lots of potential in this image :-)

Lorant Voros
08-26-2009, 09:08 PM
I commented the image during the day. Now in the darkness I can see the cloning marks. Time to buy a monitor, I guess....my laptop screen is worn out.
The rest of my comment still stands. Agreeing with the other comments you can bring a lot out of this image with those mentioned corrections.

Harshad Barve
08-26-2009, 09:27 PM
lot of potential in image , Guruji made pin point commnets & agreed

Juan Aragonés
08-27-2009, 03:51 AM
Adytia the landscape format, with less room at the top, would be much better in my opinion. The cloning job that you did is very obvious (I agree with Artie) and here is a very simple trick that I use to verify my processing jobs that may help to you. In a new layer play with the brigthness and contrast sliders (in this case I used the following values: -44 for brightness and +86 for contrast) and you will see very easily whatever cloning mark, dust removal job, undessired effects of a gaussian filter, noise and a lot of additional things. Hope this helps :-)

Jeni Williams
08-27-2009, 05:27 AM
Interesting Juan, thanks for the tip!!
I like the colours, and detail but have to agree that there is too much space on top.

Arthur Morris
08-27-2009, 06:52 AM
Neat trick Juan. Thanks for sharing.

Aditya Shankar
08-27-2009, 11:12 AM
Hi everyone.. thanks a lot for the suggestions.. Yeah I must admit tat was awful cloning attempt! :) ..

Artie .. I guess your backup laptop is as good as your regular one!! :D (jus kidding).. thanks for your valuable suggestions!!
I'm glad Daniel agreed this time on the bird itself after a few of my over-sharpened images earlier. :) hehe

@Juan : Sir , great trick which you did there.. thanks for that!

I am posting a diff version of the same image here.. did not try cloning here. Does it need some cloning ?


Arthur Morris
08-27-2009, 11:28 AM
The repost is much better. I do not even mind the thorny branch behind the bird. As many folks do, you ruined a pretty good image in Photoshop rather than making it better! (We came up with Digital Basics to help those folks.)

The only thing that I would clone is the tiny speck in the lrc. You could make it look a bit better as far as contrast and levels plus a bit of work on the eye....

Aditya Shankar
08-27-2009, 01:01 PM
Thanks a lot for your time Artie! ..New Lessons with every post!! I'm slowly getting there .. :-) ..Yes Sir .. I'm currently going through the Digital Basics book. A great asset that !! Thanks!

.. almost forgot to thank Dave for some PS tips on sharpening last time around!! Thanks Dave!