View Full Version : Just a Black-Necked Stilt

Joerg Rockenberger
08-22-2009, 08:14 PM
Photographed early June in Corpus Christi, TX.

Thanks in advance. JR

Canon 40D, 500F4IS, 1/1250s, F5, ISO 200, Manual Exposure, Gitzo tripod w/ Mongoose 3.5a

Steve Zamek
08-22-2009, 09:02 PM
Lovely shot, John. I like the low angle and the soft background which highlights the bird nicely. So often much of a stilt's legs are hidden beneath water; good that you can see the full extension. The red eye is a big plus; also often not caught in photos. The only things which would make this better, IMO, would be if the feet were actually visible, and if the light horizontal band in the background were not quite so bright.

Axel Hildebrandt
08-22-2009, 09:07 PM
I like the angle, eye contact and light. I would tone down the highlights, sharpen the bird a bit more and it looks as if it needs CCW rotation.

Jim Fenton
08-22-2009, 09:38 PM
I knew Axel would have an issue with the angle of this one somewhere (said in fun),,,,there are so many of them going on withe those legs, the background,etc :)

I looked hard at the rotation and if it hadn't been commented on, I likely would never have noticed it.

Stilts are one of my favorite birds and unfortunately, we don't have them, except on rare occasions up here in New England.

Whites look perfect on my monitor, blacks aren't blocked and sharpness looks great...plus a nice low angle and OOF background.

Did I say I really like it?

Keith Bauer
08-22-2009, 11:09 PM
Like this a lot. Nice detail in the blacks and whites. Feels a bit tight in the frame left to right.
I don't see any issue with rotation. Looks like both legs enter the shallow water and the line is level. Nicely done.

Harshad Barve
08-22-2009, 11:20 PM
Lovely image with nice details ,

Leo Berzins
08-23-2009, 02:07 AM
Wonderful image. Nicely exposed and the low angle has given you a great background. Perhaps a little more room on the right?

christopher galeski
08-23-2009, 05:45 AM
its all been said,nice one.thanks.

Stu Bowie
08-23-2009, 08:12 AM
I feel the exposure is fine in this, on both the whites and the blacks. The low angle works well, and love the red eyes on these guys.

James Salywoda
08-23-2009, 10:23 AM
And a nice one at that John I love the alert pose, low angle and excellent detail the stilt looks great against that colorful bg. Well Done!

Kiran Poonacha
08-23-2009, 11:18 AM
All said above, the angle makes this... congrats...

Joerg Rockenberger
08-23-2009, 11:40 PM
Thank you all for the kind feedback. JR