View Full Version : How to use VR effectively ... ?

Kaushik Balakumar
02-08-2008, 08:56 PM

Many a times while I shoot hand-held with VR 'ON' on my Nikkor 105mm VR AF-S micro, I find that image is not all that sharp. The shutter speeds I am talking of, is around 1/60 range (may be a little more too!). Somewhere during the shutter release, I am messing it up (that's what i guess from the fact that I find some kind of movement during those blinding moments when the mirror slaps) & I end up with 'not so sharp image'. I try the same frame with VR 'OFF' & I get better results !!!!

I am not sure if I am able to explain the situation aptly to you all.

With many experienced photographers here, do u have any techniques/guidelines to follow while using the VR (or IS) ??? Any particular time to wait for before I release shutter; or any other precautions etc ... ?

In effect, how do i get the best out of Nikkor VR ?

Any help will be much appreciated...

Thanks & regards,

Gyorgy Szimuly
02-09-2008, 08:04 AM
In general VR or IS doesn't solve everything. If you use such a low shutter speed while hand holding the camera there is always a risk to have motion blurred image. In my experience IS reduces the handshake but I am almost sure at 1/60 there are too much room to have your hands moving almost invisibly for human eye. IMO using VR or IS for such a low speed a tripod is recommended.


John Chardine
02-09-2008, 08:22 AM
Camera shake is a random event so to increase your odds of getting a sharp image, take several in rapid succession and pick the best. I know the older Nikon digital bodies aren't known for their speed but this should still work for you. Take a look at:


This is an excellent discussion of the subject of sharpness.

Kaushik Balakumar
02-09-2008, 08:48 AM
Thank you Szimi & John for ur inputs.
John, the link u gave is pretty insightful.


George DeCamp
02-09-2008, 05:00 PM
Frankly if you are getting better results at that speed with VR off then with VR on something is very wrong in my opinion. I would have it checked out. Are you near minimum focusing distance?? What camera are you using, reason is the D300 and D3 have adjustments you can make in camera.

Kaushik Balakumar
02-10-2008, 02:23 AM
@George: I was little far from the minimum focussing distance. The body I use is Nikon D70s. I guess it may not be a problem with focus adjustments because with a tripod, the image quality is tack sharp & focuses where I wish to focus. I thought there's some problem in my technique or some problem with VR. I wish to rule out the latter because there are instances when VR has produce tack sharp images too. Its like 60% of the time I am happy with VR performance but I wish to troubleshoot & see where I'm going wrong the rest of the time & also improve my technique...
