View Full Version : Its been a looooong day....

Tell Dickinson
08-21-2009, 01:42 PM

...they just look tired to me ?

Although you probably cant see at this size there are hilights in all 3 bears eyes.

Canon 50D, 100-400@310, 1/100, f5, iso400, FF

All comments good or bad appreciated.


Kaustubh Deshpande
08-21-2009, 04:29 PM
Very nice image. Like the fact that all are sharp. Good use of aperture. Like the trees a lot too. You might want to try warming the image a bit. I will prefer it to be a little underexposed...but that might be just my preference.

big congrats.


Morkel Erasmus
08-22-2009, 07:07 AM
very nice shot in their environment. I like the exposure and soft light here. warming filter will give it another feel, but works nicely as is too...

David Fletcher
08-22-2009, 09:11 AM
Lovely arrangement and feel. Not sure but I feel the s/h tool has been used and taken some of the depth out of the image.

Arthur Morris
08-22-2009, 09:30 AM
Hi Tell, Lots of questions. Where was the image created? Were the animals baited? Is this a big crop?

Comments will follow answers.

Austin Thomas
08-22-2009, 01:42 PM
A loveley family scene Tell,

It looks a little light to my eyes and I would darken it down to bring back some black into the image. Maybe that was how the light was when the image was taken.



Tell Dickinson
08-22-2009, 02:46 PM
Hi Tell, Lots of questions. Where was the image created? Were the animals baited? Is this a big crop?

Hi Art, this was taken in Finland, yes the Bears were baited and have been for about the last 15 years and this is full frame. I will admit that I am having colour managment problems at the moment which is why its a bit light. I am in the process of reinstalling windows and everything else on a different drive so that it dual boots at the moment to try and get it sorted :)

Thanks everyone else for your comments - much appreciated.


Arthur Morris
08-22-2009, 06:13 PM
Hi Tell, Thanks for the info. Please let us know in your original post if the animals were baited. Thanks. I love the COMP and the d-o-f is pretty amazing with f/5 at 310 mm. Did you focus on the middle bear? It looks a bit sharper than the front bear. I like the trees as frame deal.

Tell Dickinson
08-23-2009, 01:44 AM
Hi Art,

Please let us know in your original post if the animals were baited.

Sorry for missing that out, I will remember next time :)

I love the COMP and the d-o-f is pretty amazing with f/5 at 310 mm. Did you focus on the middle bear? It looks a bit sharper than the front bear. I like the trees as frame deal.

Thanks Art, yes I focused on the middle bear to make most use of DOF, you are quite right in that the front bear is not as sharp as the others at full resolution, but I thought I could get away with it at the size posted :)


Arthur Morris
08-23-2009, 06:27 AM
Thanks on all counts Tell.