View Full Version : Juvenille Blackchin

Mack Hicks
08-06-2009, 09:32 PM
My backyard blind
D300, 500 f/4
ISO 800, 1/320, f/7.1
multiple flash setup, manual mode

wish the flash angle was a little higher on the back to see if would pick up more irridescence
tried to clone out several dead flowers, this is a ground plant, not a potted one

know it is a blackchin from other shots in the series where you can see a few spots of his purple collar forming

Harshad Barve
08-06-2009, 10:47 PM
nice pose and compo here , but noise is there

08-06-2009, 10:50 PM
very nice, love the pose and sharpness good work with the flash setup,
There is some compression artifact/noise in the BG, the belly is too hot and something with post isn't right, maybe too much compression(?) after correcting these it will be a killer photo.

Thanks for posting.

Bryan Hix
08-06-2009, 11:15 PM
I like the comp and agree with the noise comments. I think overall the flowers and bird are a bit too bright. I would think lowering the exp comp a little would help.

David Fletcher
08-07-2009, 01:20 PM
Feel the artifacts are coming from over sharpening Mack. Has huge potential and worth re-working.

Doug Brown
08-07-2009, 04:19 PM
Love the open bill and great wing position. The image is both oversharpened and overexposed. I would think ISO 200-320 should do the trick. You might try to get less light on the flower. I would also think about adding a nice printed BG to your setup. Exactly what kind of multiple flash setup do you have; how many flashes, what power settings, and what are you pointed at?

Mack Hicks
08-08-2009, 12:06 AM
Started over, did not do any PP in LR2
converted in ACR with -.7 exposure
sharpened in photoshop as well as noise reduction,
amped up saturation

this was basically three flash set up, SB900 master off camera on lightstand, 1/25
SB 600 camera left on lightstand about 30 degrees to subject, 1/16
Lumopro, camera right on Bogen clamp, 1/32
the difference in the right and left is probably why the flowers are too bright, I can change the Nikon flash settings from the master, not so the Lumopro

Thanks for your comments