View Full Version : Osprey fortifying nest

Brian Barcelos
07-18-2009, 10:03 AM
I went back yesterday afternoon looking for better light with my favorite subjects. Hope I'm not boring anyone with Ospreys yet as I have one more to post after this one. Head angle isn't the best here and I should have stopped down and added a little exposure compensation. I'm also not terribly happy with the far wing intersecting the head either. Thanks for looking, all C/C appreciated.


Canon EOS 20D
Tv 1/3200
Av 6.3
Evaluative Metering
Exp Comp 0
ISO 400
Tamron 200-500mm@418

Doug Brown
07-18-2009, 11:01 AM
Good job with the self-critique Brian! I might add that I'm not crazy about the square crop; I'd like a little room in front of the bird.

Axel Hildebrandt
07-18-2009, 11:08 AM
I like the open beak, and wings up, the stick adds to it. I wish for a bit more head turn towards you and might crop it as a vertical.

Juan Aragonés
07-18-2009, 11:40 AM
I agree with your selfcritic Brian. I would try to made some adjustment levels to lighten the image a bit. This way you will have more details in the shadws and the sky would look almost white. The dark area in th emidle of the right wings has very few details and I am worry about the noise if you adjust the levels. :-)

Stu Bowie
07-18-2009, 12:42 PM
I like the show of the near wing Brian, together with the open beak. I would try and lighten the underwing a tad. When Im shooting into the sky, I always dial in a postive EC. BTW, his building material adds to the image.

Ramon M. Casares
07-18-2009, 05:01 PM
You said everything yourself and I agree with your selfcritique, also, a not square crop IMO would improve comp and impact.

Dave Barnes
07-20-2009, 12:17 AM
Nice capture Brian. I would be tempted to add a bit of contrast, it may make it pop a bit more.