View Full Version : Lammergeier - Giants Castle

Ryan Lambert
07-17-2009, 08:08 AM
By now you have seen seen quite a few images from Giants Castle in South Africa. It really is one of the best places to capture these magnificent and endangered birds, and it is an absolute privilege to have these guys big in the viewfinder. This particular image was taken last year and is one of my personal favorites. The picture is full frame. My own nits would be that the eye is in a shadow due to the head angle of the landing bird and at 10am the sun was already quite high so the exposure was getting difficult to manage...

Just to add - This is a Male Lammergeier or Bearded Vulture in full plumage

Camera Model Canon 40D
Lens EF400mm f/2.8L IS USM
Tv( Shutter Speed ) 1/1600
Av( Aperture Value ) 7.0
Exposure Compensation 0
ISO Speed 320
Focal Length 400mm

Erich Stevens
07-17-2009, 08:20 AM
My own nits would be that the eye is in a shadow due to the head angle of the landing bird and at 10am the sun was already quite high so the exposure was getting difficult to manage...


I think you did a great job considering. I'd level out the bird using the ruler tool and arbitrary image rotation in Ps, but then you'd lose some canvas on the re-crop when you've very little canvas to spare.

Christopher C.M. Cooke
07-17-2009, 08:21 AM
Ryan, I knew nothing about these birds and can offer no advice on the image (I am yet qualified to critique them) but it is IMO a fantastic and confronting image which has now caused me to investigate these birds.

I love to see birds from Africa as we tend to think that we have the wood on interesting birdlife but that image makes my skin crawl which to me is great.

Thank you for sharing.

Brian Barcelos
07-17-2009, 08:50 AM
Very nicely handled even considering the light. Don't you just wish we could keep the sun lower on the horizon with a remote switch when we needed it!:D The colors and feather detail look great. Of course the head angle could have been better but I know you didn't want him to crash land. Congrats


christopher galeski
07-17-2009, 09:18 AM
good shot,nice comp,BG goes well with the bird,sharp,as you say,a pity about the eye,but good shot anyway.thanks.

Ramon M. Casares
07-17-2009, 09:44 AM
Agree with yourself critique about the light being a little harsh, also, more room would improve comp IMO.
But what a wonderfull species, great detail, colors, BG, pose and sharpness!

Gyorgy Szimuly
07-17-2009, 09:54 AM
Simply stunning. While I don't like tight images this one works very very well for me. Yes indeed, it should have been a privilege to have it filled your viewfinder. Thanks for sharing.


John Swift
07-17-2009, 11:05 AM
A little tight for me too but that's a very minor comment. I love the moment you've captured here with the magnificent wingspread displaying the underwing and body color detail, and the very complimentary background too.

Daniel Cadieux
07-17-2009, 11:17 AM
This guy sure looks imposing! Good pose. I little tight, yes, and a bit contrasty...some judiscious use of S/H tool could work well here. I can see why it is a favorite of yours :-)

Stu Bowie
07-17-2009, 11:25 AM
Amazingly sharp Ryan, and Im not really one for tight crops, but this works very well. I find the top of the head and neck slightly hot, but I havent checked, so I could be wrong. I like the colours in the BG too. Great image.

Nicki Gwynn Jones
07-17-2009, 12:09 PM
Hi Ryan,
I love the tight crop - it serves to emphasise the majesty of these beautiful birds. Although I agree that the light is a little harsh - great idea from Brian BTW!! - you have handled the exposure well and that fabulous wing feather detail takes it over the top for me. Well done!

Sinh Nhut Nguyen
07-17-2009, 01:42 PM
I like the wing pose and the lighting, I think the image would benefit with a little more room around the subject, it's a little tight crop IMO :)

David Fletcher
07-17-2009, 02:19 PM
Critiques, including your own Ryan, has already covered what is pretty well an awesome shot. :). If this isn't a "go and book up the hide in November invitation", I just don't know. Take my hat off to you Sir!

Ryan Lambert
07-17-2009, 03:07 PM
Thank you all for the comments and constructive crits, they are much appreciated. I will try and rework the image with the PS tips. All I could do to give the image more space is add some canvass which I suppose is an option, Many thanks again...

Markus Jais
07-17-2009, 04:20 PM
I think this is a fantastic shot. The small nits have already been posted. I hope to see that amazing species for the first time in October in Spain.
I think your image really shows the beauty and the huge size of the beared vulture.


Morkel Erasmus
07-17-2009, 04:24 PM
probably the BEST lammergeier shot I've seen as far as single in-flight shots go (we mustn't forget Mark & Kobus & Mitch getting the adult and juveline fighting kung-fu style in mid-air! ;)) - full frame just adds so much detail. nothing you can do about the head angle. I would frame this BIG in my house. take a bow sir.

Simon Bennett
07-17-2009, 07:00 PM
Imposing capture!!

Ákos Lumnitzer
07-17-2009, 11:11 PM
Excellent capture, great wingspread. Light is great too. I feel it is a touch tight for my taste. Thanks for sharing. :)

Ryan Lambert
07-17-2009, 11:50 PM
Thanks for the comments folks they are always appreciated :)

Gal Shon
07-18-2009, 05:36 PM
What an image...
this is as good as it gets, very well done
I would tone down the whites on the head

Ryan Lambert
07-19-2009, 11:49 PM
Thanks Gal