View Full Version : Osprey comming at me

Rick Moran
07-07-2009, 06:01 PM
At the everglades. Several osprey's where fishing out aways so I used a TC-17e to get a closer view. This one came in straight at me. To much reach on this one as I clipped both wings. I cropped it a little tighter to use the eyes as the main part of the picture. Not sure about this crop though. D2X w 600/4 and 17e. f8@1/750 sec, iso 320, EC +1/3.
Thanks for looking, Rick


Phil Ertel
07-07-2009, 07:39 PM
I like this image. Interesting and definitely a different presentation than we are used to seeing. I personally like the head on look. I like that the depth of field is good from the beak to the prey. I might try and see if brightening the eyes would look. As far as the crop goes I struggle with this myself. For me there is too much empty space to the left (our left). I would be tempted to crop from the left making into more of square and see if that improves the feel. Thanks for sharing.

Dan Brown
07-07-2009, 10:47 PM
Good capture Rick! I agree with Phil on all accounts but I struggle with the square crop idea! If this were a print, I would probably try leaving it as posted and adding a signature in the lower left area, balancing the comp. Also, I seem to see a blue cast on the bird, don't know exactly how you would correct this but it would be worth a try IMO:)

Jay Gould
07-08-2009, 12:19 AM
Hi Rick, using a elongated "notepad" for a quick and dirty crop to see it as a square, I like it given the location of the bird in the URHC. In fact, using two "notepads" to remove some off the bottom and the left side to make a smaller square I like it even better. With the smaller square the bird is flying out of the frame right at you! Just another way of looking at am image! Cheers, Jay

Gyorgy Szimuly
07-08-2009, 05:29 AM
Very unusual composition. Not sure I like the large empty space on the left. I like however how the bird is flying towards your camera.


Kiran Poonacha
07-08-2009, 08:21 AM
oh.. super loved the head on pose and the fish adds well to the frame.. well done..

Blake Shadle
07-08-2009, 09:16 AM
Hey, Rick. I like the moment you've captured, as well as the intense look on your subject's face. Concerning the composition, I think using the standard 3:2 frame would actually benefit this image a lot. Cropping some off the top and bottom. That way your subject's left wing would be at the top 3rd line. I've attached an example.

Glenda Simmons
07-08-2009, 10:32 AM
I really like the coming at you..."Don't mess with me or my fish" look! And how well you can see the Ospreys tight grip on his catch. Regardless of the clipped wings or crop, my eye goes to the main action which you captured.