View Full Version : Red-shafted Northern Flicker at the nest

Jared Gricoskie
06-27-2009, 02:16 PM
While leading a photo workshop we had some great action with a family or Red-shafted Northern Flickers. The male and the female came to feed about every 4 minutes, and the two chicks, one male, one female were always ready to eat more.

The nest was about 20 feet up, so it was a bit of a challenge to get a good angle, so its not too steep. Aimed for good eye contact and head angles from both dad and son.

D300 500mm f4, 1.7 tc, f6.3 1/160th, ISO 400

06-27-2009, 02:58 PM
Great pose and technicals. I especially like the patient, mildly exasperated expression on the parent's face as the child screams. The grey splotches to the left of the adult bird's rump and shoulder are a little distracting, and might be cloned out.


Jory Griesman
06-27-2009, 03:09 PM
Nice exposure, sharpness, and, especially, baby bird. Great shot, overall. Greenery and white blobs against the tree are a bit distracting, and could probably be easily dealt with. I would also crop looser or add canvas to left and top. These vertical shots of flickers and woodpeckers make me dizzy at the best of times, moreso when they're cropped a bit tight.

Jeff Cashdollar
06-27-2009, 03:14 PM
Given a 20 foot nest, you did well. The angle is a tad steep, but under the conditions, I like it. Not bad detail for 1/160, I assume PS or LRII were used to bring out detail.

The light looks great, what was the time of day? Great nature moment, thank you for sharing,

Aidan Briggs
06-27-2009, 05:52 PM
As you said, the angle is a bit steep. The gray blotches in the BG are also distracting, as mentioned.

Jeff- it looks to me as if it were overcast with the sun behind the bird, as that side of the tree trunk is the brightest.