View Full Version : Grebe on water

Rod Wiley
06-26-2009, 08:06 PM
Originally I was going to just archive this image because it was taken with such a strong reflection off the water, and that it was taken with the 200-400 with a 1.4 and was grainy. I took it with the camera propped out the window of the car and my hat for a tripod. The more I looked at the more I like the ripples in the water and decided to work on it. The water is as much of the subject matter as the Grebe is. Thanks Rod
Nikon D300 1.4 F9 1/125 EV +0.7 ISO 200

www.rjwileyphoto.com (http://www.rjwileyphoto.com)
www.adayintheswamp.com (http://www.adayintheswamp.com)

Jeff Cashdollar
06-26-2009, 09:43 PM
Recently I photographed an Eared Grebe in Middle TN, they are amazing birds, the eyes are fantastic. When you consider the water as part of the shot, moreover both - one subject matter, I like it. The Grebe is a bit soft. Not bad for shooting off one's hat with a slow shutter (what was your subject distance). Maybe, open up the aperture and ISO to bump up shutter. But when considering the entire image as a habitat image - it works for me and the water ripples are great.

On balance, I would take a thin layer off the top. The top bright layer is distracting IMO and work that eye (e.g., sharpen, brighten etc.). Wonderful "day in the life picture" of a very challenging subject, well done.

Arthur Morris
06-27-2009, 06:24 AM
Love the image design, the ripples and REFL, and the preening pose. As for the SH, you need to replace your hat with a BLUBB....

Doug Brown
06-27-2009, 08:36 AM
I like the preening pose and the ripples, although I too would take a little off the top. I would have definitely gone for a faster shutter speed here; looks like you had plenty of light and you would have gotten the bird sharper. I'd be tempted to move the bird to the left; it still preserves your emphasis on the water but gets the bird out of the center of the frame IMO.