View Full Version : Scanning

Desmond Chan
06-09-2009, 10:53 PM
Sorry, nothing exciting. Just another seagull by the harbor. Shot from a low perspective to see if it works :o

105 Macro f2.8 on Fujifilm S5. Manual exposure mode, all natural light. ISO 200 f5.6 1/1250s.

C&C welcome and appreciated !!

Thank you !

Ilija Dukovski
06-09-2009, 11:37 PM
Interesting pose, reminds me on dramatic movie portrait scenes
in the early 20th century, all together with the HA looking away
to the distance, I wish the front of the bird was in focus though.

Axel Hildebrandt
06-10-2009, 09:29 AM
I like the idea, light and details but think it would have worked better with eye contact.

Randy Stout
06-10-2009, 11:11 AM

I agree with Ilija's comment on the breast being blurry and applaud you for a different look. I am ok without good eye contact because of the overall feel of the image, that sense of looking out to sea. I might consider cloning out the out of place feathers on the left.



Jon Thornton
06-10-2009, 04:55 PM
The low angle gives the bird dignity and power. Well done.

I generally focus on the bird's eye. Based on this image, it would seem that you do this too. On this occasion however, it might have been better to focus on the midpoint between the bird's breast and eye to spread the DOF across this range. Andy Biggs recommends this technique for shots like this.

Desmond Chan
06-10-2009, 10:15 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, folks !

If by eye contact it means to have the gull looking at the direction of the camera, I think that would make it another photograph and not what I had in mind, which is basically what Jon mentioned at the beginning of his comments. As for more sharpness at the front of the bird, I think you guys are correct and I will try what Jon suggested in the future.

Thanks again guy for leaving your comments !