View Full Version : Canada Goose

JP Bruce
05-29-2009, 10:07 PM
Another bird from Kellogg Bird Sanctuary. Photo take from observation deck.
Canon 40D 300L f2.8 IS at f6 1/1800 ISO 250
Gitzo tripod - Sidekick - Kirk ball head
Any comments welcom

Juan Aragonés
05-30-2009, 01:36 AM
JP I think that you have too much room at the top of the frame. Much better with less space. Noise is very obvious for ISO250 so I think that it is not noise but the effect of a bit crop. If that is the case, a round of noise reduction will be useless because you are going to mudd the details.

Alfred Forns
05-30-2009, 09:05 AM
Hi JP Agree with Juan Great points Would also like for more even illumination Bottom of wing slightly darker Do like the base exposure and detail !!!