View Full Version : Black tailed Godwit fight

Krijn Trimbos
05-25-2009, 05:03 PM
The Black tailed Godwit is one of the most endangered meadowbirds in the Netherlands. Although still very common they have declined by 90% in the last decades. Still about 45% of the European breeding population is breeding in our small but very grassy country and as such we have a international responsibillity to protect this beautiful bird. Over the past 2 years I have done research on this bird with a great and very enthousiastic team in Friesland a province that is one of the stronholds to the Ducht Godwit population. And although we are working around the clock sometimes everything seems useless. A lot of the nests are eaten during their first two weeks of incubation, by the countless predators walking around. And if a nest does prevail sometimes it seems like the ever continuing intensification practices will finish of the job, as a huge proportion of chicks will die underneath the lawnmowers. This seems grimm but unfortunately this is the reality these birds have to face during the breeding season. I strongly believe the only way to save this bird is to raise awareness and try to buy up land and managing it specifically for the (godwit) meadowbirds. As such I have tried to make as much photo's of these birds showing different behavior and hope to maybe exhibit them in the future to reach more people about this matter...............................

This shot was taken during a battle between two males. Their territorial defence is really cool! The only thing that comes to mind while watching it is 'fencing'. First they will bow to each other, after which they try to catch each others beak. Normally one defends while the other one attacks. The one that defends will of course try to evaid the attacks, by flying straight up. This was caught just as the bottom Godwit had attacked but missed and the other Godwit was still watching the bottom Godwit from the air.

Hope you like it!

Thanks for watching and of course reading my endless story......:)

Canon EOS 50D 1/640 f9
ISO 500
Canon 300mm f2.8 L USM + 2x Converter
Handheld, cropped from horizontal

Axel Hildebrandt
05-25-2009, 05:25 PM
Great timing and moment captured. I like the interaction, soft light and details. Thanks for sharing the story.

Randy Stout
05-25-2009, 06:28 PM

The story is important, thanks for sharing. Axel hit the techs. I might add back in a bit of canvas on the right.
I think this would be esp. interesting as part of a series to show the flow of the 'battle'

Thanks for sharing the picture and story.


Ramon M. Casares
05-25-2009, 08:17 PM
Great timing, lovely light, poses and comp! Big congratulations!

Dick Glover
05-25-2009, 08:42 PM
Thank you for sharing this impressive image, and for taking the time to educate us with your information about these birds. In addition to your images of the birds and their behavior, maybe a few of the lawnmowers going over nests might get attention in the local media and beyond. Thanks for sharing and for your conservation work.

Dave Leroy
05-25-2009, 11:11 PM
Good Luck Krijn. Certainly photos like this will help. Avery interesting looking spectacle. Excellent action shot and I like the colours. Dave

Stu Bowie
05-26-2009, 02:14 AM
Great action captured, both nice and sharp, and thanks for sharing the story.

Nagesh Mula
05-26-2009, 04:26 PM
Its a nice action image Krijn, and well shot. Congrats!!
Also, I visited your website and you have captured some beautiful pictures.