View Full Version : Humor please comment

Jeff Wear
05-20-2009, 11:12 PM

the caption on this shot is---I HATE SUSHI
I would really like some feed back, I posted the shot and the feed back I recieved,well lets say I am asking what you think of the shot and the joke .I hope this is ok if not please remove . Jeff

Randy Stout
05-21-2009, 06:58 AM

I think it is pretty funny. Looks like he is about to lose his lunch.

From a tech. side, sharp, well exposed, good angle in frame. BG pretty busy. I could go either way on the reflection since it isn't perfect.

But, as a fun picture, its just fine!!

I always enjoy a chuckle to start out the day!


Axel Hildebrandt
05-21-2009, 08:23 AM
The pose really is funny. I like the details and angle. There is not much you could have done about the BG. Might work as vertical crop, too.

Juan Aragonés
05-21-2009, 01:45 PM
The heron´s expression is funny and sure that this is not a japanese bird ;-)
I like the overall composition but with more room at the right. The light is a bit harsh and the horizontal green reed is really distracting.

Fabs Forns
05-21-2009, 03:58 PM
He really looks like he's got something in his mouth that he doesn't like :)
Agree with the comments above and yes, great caption!

WIlliam Maroldo
05-21-2009, 09:04 PM
I think that this would have been a much better image if you had been much closer, the background and other elements detract significantly from the main subject which I agree is pretty cool. (I realize it is unlikely you could have gotten closer, but if you could have....) Cropping this image to that end wouldn't do it either, for there would be considerable loss of detail. This would have been fantastic as a head shot, or at least a close to full frame bird shot. Anyway, back to the image as presented. Square frame IMO doesn't work here, as well as the horizontal centering of the main subject(vertical centering of main subject w reflection is fine). Actually a vertical orientation usually works best for reflection images. I disagree than reflections need to be perfect, and even that it would be preferable. Slight imperfections add interest. On the other hand unrecognizable reflections, or where there is debris, etc. disrupting it, are not so good.
The horizontal bamboo(or whatever it is) is actually a good compostional element, but would require a horizontal frame orientation to be effective. The diagonal ones are totally out of place, and disruptive. Just my observations. regards~Bill

Daniel Cadieux
05-22-2009, 06:44 AM
Funny [pose for sure. Either about to lose lunch...or something just doesn't smell right! I won't repeat what's already been said, but will add that I would back off the sharpening on the grasses (subject sharpness is good). Thanks for sharing!

Jeff Wear
05-22-2009, 09:15 AM
Thank you all very much, you are right the angle and getting close was out of the question unless me and 500 were to go swimming, then that look the bird has would be on my face.
Thanks for the tips on making the shot better it was mid day and bright so cal sun. The sharpening good point, I should have been selective, would have cut down the brightness in the weeds also and my Ps skills are not the best so removing the bamboo would have been very bad. Reflection, this one I like the eye is good and the wiggle goes with that look :D Thank you all very much, the feed back on this shot from the other site ---well lets just say I feel better now