View Full Version : Another Euro Duck?

Layton E Parham
05-20-2009, 05:40 PM
This duck was photographed in a farm pond in Central France. Canon Eos 1D Mark III, 500F4L IS, 1.4 Tele, f5.6, Iso400 1/125sec, Manual Mode

John Chardine
05-20-2009, 06:04 PM
Hey Layton- this is a very nice image of a Falcated Teal (Anas falcata) which is a native of east Asia. The species is popular with waterfowl fanciers and is often kept in captivity, whence it is a regular escape. This is very common with waterfowl, the rare ones of which are the bane of birdwatchers because their origins are frequently suspect.

Love the colours and lighting. I would give less room below because the reflection is not strong.

Fabs Forns
05-20-2009, 07:03 PM
Wow, you got yourself a nice one. Didn't know the ID, thanks to John for that. Agree on clipping the reflection and a smaller aperture would have increased your DOF since he was perpendicular to the sensor.

Steve Maxson
05-20-2009, 07:05 PM
Nice light and colors, Layton - as noted by John. I like the head-on relaxed pose, but would wish for a little more DOF to sharpen up the rear of the bird a bit. I would suggest removing the bright spot in the background as it draws my eye from the bird. You might try some noise removal on the background.

Ramon M. Casares
05-20-2009, 08:04 PM
I would give another round of NR to the BG, other than that I like the pose, colors, detail, comp and calm feel on his one. Congratulations!