View Full Version : Dramatic Lighting Effect

Paul Wolf
04-16-2009, 01:15 PM
I have a couple of these I'm working on. This shot was taken through a mist rising from the lake. The sun was shining strong stage left. For some reason, the egret seemed to stand out through less-than-perfect lighting, to say the least. I made several shots of it, even though I knew the mist would be a problem. When I got it to the computer, I noticed how narrow the histogram was, and it was right in the middle. I then went to levels and moved the left slider in, and the scene began to change from very flat to about what you see here. I then worked on it for hours to complete it. Oh, and I know it's tough to see, but there is a large turtle head sticking out of the water just below and to the right of the egret.

Comments and criticisms, please.


Alfred Forns
04-16-2009, 02:03 PM
I like the reflection Paul If anything might lighten just a bit but not enough to alter the mood.

In camera I try pushing the histogram to the right and make sure there is info on the last box to the right. When its in the middle and you open up some noise will creep in .. not sure what camera you were using but some like the 50D will be apparent.

denise ippolito
04-16-2009, 02:56 PM
Paul, This has a real good feel to it, the mood created by the dramatic lighting is great.I agree w/ Alfred and would lighten just a bit.