View Full Version : Cedar Waxwing w/berry

Bryan Hix
04-08-2009, 04:50 PM
This was taken last summer in one of my service berries (which they absolutely love). I made a series of photos that day and I liked this one the best. I took this with my Sony/Minolta gear before switching to Canon. I like the colors and pose the most about this one. He was moving his head trying to swallow the berry, so his beak/berry is a bit blurred. Eventhough I love my Canon gear, I really enjoyed the quality/build of the Minolta lenses even if this one was 20 years old. :)

Sony A700
Minolta 300mm f/2.8
ISO 125, 1/640 @ f/5.6
PSE 7, cropping, cloned out branch behind head, sharpen

Ákos Lumnitzer
04-08-2009, 07:07 PM
Welcome to BPN Bryan. This is a neat image and the action caught is very effectively presented. Good to see some Minolta gear having been used. You will love the Canon mate. :) Looking forward to seeing some more images.

Daniel Cadieux
04-08-2009, 08:48 PM
I love these types of waxwing feeding poses. I like the berry below. The greens and blues look good together. Exposure looks good, and image sharp where it needs to be. What is hurting the image is the dark vertical branch and accompanying leaves in URC. A bit of Photoshop TLC can help fix that if you are inclined to do this type of image alteration. Keep them coming!

Bryan Hix
04-08-2009, 11:01 PM
Daniel, thank you for that suggestion. I debated that b/c I already cloned out one branch that was really distracting, but then I didn't want to go clone crazy either. I will play with it and see what it looks like.