View Full Version : Assignment -Landscape

José Rodríguez
03-22-2009, 07:58 PM
This is my first pano (and the only I have tried as I rarely grab a tripod and I know it's a great mistake)
Playa de montaña roja -Tenerife Nikon D40, sigma 10-20@10mm, 5 shots


Gus Cobos
03-22-2009, 08:44 PM
Nicely done Jose,
I like the water line in the middle of the image. It gives it balance and has symmetry...the colors are vibrant; delineating the details and the different textures of all of the elements...good show...:cool:

Alfred Forns
03-22-2009, 09:31 PM
Love it Jose That one cloud on the left really sets it up nicely I think you can tweak the clouds on the right a little One sweet image !!!! .... remember to grab the tripod :)

Dave Mills
03-22-2009, 10:52 PM
Hi Jose...For a first pano you did a splendid job. It has a neat look to it...almost like a fish eye. I agree with Alfred's comments and also note the color on the right helps to anchor that side of the image.

Lance Peters
03-23-2009, 01:40 AM
HI jOSE - Techs al covered above - sure like it - congrats :)

Katie Rupp
03-23-2009, 10:31 AM
I love the different light from the two sides; it keeps me looking from one side to the other, noting the figure in red, the lake and back again. Very nicely done, Jose.

Roman Kurywczak
03-23-2009, 10:33 AM
Hi Jose,
Does look like a fisheye lens!.....You have a nice balance of the rock on the left and the brighter part of the right. I do agree with Alfred on tweaking it a bit......but not too much......as that brighter spot is what actually balances the image. What no one mentioned....but really makes the image for me.....is the people on the beach.....along the curve on the LH side...(tough to notice on the small web presentation)......that curve actually connects both sides of the image and minimizes the empty space in the midddle. The bit of clouds help also. This must look very nice in a larger size!.......now don't forget the tripod! Landscapers best friend!
PS Katie noticed the figure as I was typing!