View Full Version : Indignant Female Towhee

Joel Arrington
01-27-2008, 05:18 PM
Canon 40D, 70-200 + 2x ext, 1/250 @ f/8, Aperture Priority, Flash fill with Beamer

Arthur Morris
01-27-2008, 05:21 PM
Like the warm, warm light, the sharpness, and the head turn. Hate all the branches, especially the one that cast the shadow on the bird's head.
Actually, hate all the branches but for the perch-branch which is quite lovely.

What was the situation?

Later and love, artie

Joel Arrington
01-27-2008, 05:56 PM
Songbirds ignore my orders to change perches, but I so liked its expression I just let it go. Shooting from a blind at close range. I could clone out some of the brambles but I'd rather wait for a better place and time.

Arthur Morris
01-27-2008, 06:01 PM
Songbirds ignore my orders to change perches, but I so liked its expression I just let it go. Shooting from a blind at close range. I could clone out some of the brambles but I'd rather wait for a better place and time.

Assuming that the bird is coming to a feeder in front of your blind, I can now get to my main point: you need to carefully choose the location for your setup and create optimal situations with the strategic placement of your perches...

later and love, artie

Joel Arrington
01-27-2008, 06:16 PM
It helps to have reiterated that the best of us allow no excuses. Thanks Artie. I should have put up one of my yellow-bellied sapsuckers instead. Ii's like a knot on a log, clinging to a pine with nothing but sky behind.