View Full Version : Assignment - Landscapes

Kerry Perkins
03-17-2009, 08:53 PM
This is the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, where the Yellowstone River plunges into the canyon.

I shot this on vacation in 2001 with a 2.1 MP Sony Cybershot (DSC-S50).

Program mode, evaluative metering, f/4@1/475, ISO 80, lovingly massaged in CS4 :D

Gus Cobos
03-17-2009, 10:10 PM
Well composed Kerry,
This is a beautiful composition, I like the perspective, and the majestic feel to this...the color rendition is very good...congrats...:cool:

Lance Peters
03-18-2009, 01:38 AM
Hi Kerry - like it a lot - has a real 3D feel to it.

Congrats :)

Alfred Forns
03-18-2009, 08:53 AM
Classic view and love the framing !!! Was there something reflecting on the lower left snow?

Gail Spitler
03-18-2009, 09:59 AM
All the elements of this composition work together very, very well. I get a feel of motion as my eye moves around the image. My suggestion would be to consider removing the 2 dead trees along the bottom - one is about center and the other is on the far right.
Beautiful image

denise ippolito
03-18-2009, 11:49 AM
Kerry, Really nice image-I love the depth. This looks like a painting!

Roman Kurywczak
03-18-2009, 01:25 PM
Hey Kerry,
Here comes the landscape...mod....Oh Boy....I've been here many times so I know how difficult it is to compose without those dead trees poking in to the bottom of the frame....only 1 or 2 spots where you can actually accomplish this.....it appears that this was late afternoon light or the sun was just popping through the overcast...while ideally you want to photogrph this in overcast.... considering the lighting.... you handled it nicely. Now ....composition.....I like the framing elements of the trees on the left......but the right evergreen poking in....is distracting......I looked at a few crops.......and settled on one from the right.....that removes the tree poking in from the bottom(hold up a piece of paper over it on the screen to see what I mean)......this does a few things.....it strenghtens the diagonal leading line that draws my eye towards the falls and eliminates most of the distractions from the image edges. I'm OK with the one lone one left then....as until I get out there with a climbing harness and knock it down.....we all have to live with it! Lastly the color.....probably had to tweak it a lot because of the 2.1 megapixel camera......but the greens have gone a little over.....pull back some on the yellows. Lastly......by your Avatar I see you have upgraded from the Cybershot.....so just for educational purposes......I would have traded some of the speed....for more DOF......but considering the equipment and dificulties in photographing at the location.....these are just minor corrections to a nicely composed image.

Jackie Schuknecht
03-18-2009, 04:16 PM
Breathtaking view Kerry and love all the layers. Might just crop a little off the L and R. Absolutely gorgeous colours.