View Full Version : Another Anna's

Dave Leroy
03-11-2009, 11:06 PM
I am not sure of this crop is abit too tight. I wanted to take out as much of the perch as possible. 50D, 400/5.6 lense at f/8, 1/250, EC+1, ISO400. Photo taken near Morro Bay. Ca.

Robert Amoruso
03-11-2009, 11:35 PM
Dave, I am good with the crop. Good head position on the bird and good, clean BG.

The highlights in the perch and bird need some attention. I reposted with the following.

1) Luminace mask using the channels palette - CTRL-Double Click on the RGB channel.
2) CTRL-J to copy mask to its own layer.
3) Change blending mode to Multiply (darken)
4) Used the Layer Style and Blend If with the shadow sliders split and moved to 188 to protect the lower value highlights from the blending mode.
5) Levels and raised luminance some.

Arthur Morris
03-12-2009, 08:52 AM
The perch is much better in the repost but still looks a bit gray and a bit jangly. Best in early or late loud or with clouds. I too am fine with the crop and though the pose is on the awkward side you have designed a nice image. I like the head angle.

Dave Leroy
03-12-2009, 10:59 AM
Thanks Robert and Artie. I am glad the crop was all right. I was not happy with the way the perch turned out but liked the little bird.
Thanks Robert for the repost, and I have made a few notes so I can follow up on what you have done.
Regards, Dave

Lance Peters
03-14-2009, 06:48 PM
HI dave - Roberts repost works for me - I like the background colours that closely resemble the colours of the bird - I like.

Dave Leroy
03-15-2009, 09:14 AM
Thanks very much Lance. This is such a wonderful website for learning and being able to compare one's own photos against some of the best. It certainly helps to reveal the little flaws beginners are prone to. Regards, Dave