View Full Version : Sunning

Art Kornienko
03-08-2009, 08:08 PM
50D, 300 F4LIS, ISO 400, F10, 1/2500, CWA, Gitzo 3541. Taken today, conditions, windy, very sunny, mild weather.


Randy Stout
03-08-2009, 08:13 PM

Wow. You must have been in close. For some reason, it looks like he is smiling, in an owl sort of way. Maybe the vole was particularly tasty.

Great control of the whites. I like that the horizon falls at his neck, a natural transition point in the image, and doesn't intersect the head itself.

Wish the right eye could be seen a bit more, but still like it a lot. I think the environmental component here is just right.

Not having any experience with Snowies, do they constantly turn their heads from side to side?


Axel Hildebrandt
03-08-2009, 08:33 PM
Not having any experience with Snowies, do they constantly turn their heads from side to side?


Exposure control and details look great, I might give it a bit more room at the bottom.

When they start moving the head back and forth, it signals that they are stressed.

Art Kornienko
03-08-2009, 08:41 PM
Yes, they are always looking side to side when they are looking for voles, there were no voles used for these shots, this one is particularly tame, it was hard to get a good open eye shot with the strong sun. I was about 15 feet away for this shot. At times the head would not be turning at all. I thought it looked like he was smiling too, that's one of the reasons I posted this shot and he had raised his head a bit too.

Randy Stout
03-08-2009, 08:49 PM

I showed this one to my wife, and she said, ah, looks like Pierre, the little smiling French owl!


Steve Canuel
03-08-2009, 09:36 PM
I like the pose, the grasses, and the way the white feathers on his chest kinda of bleed into the striped ones.