View Full Version : Armadillo

Rich Reich
03-07-2009, 04:23 AM
This was my first surprise run in with an Armadillo!

ISO 200
1/750 f6.3 0 EV
Location: Lake Wales, FL
3/5/09 2:07 PM



Sabyasachi Patra
03-07-2009, 06:25 AM
Good find. I wish for a lower angle and focus on the eyes. Is it a native in your place?


Robert Amoruso
03-07-2009, 07:22 AM

You don't have these down there? I passed at least ten on the way home last night and you can have the one tearing up my lawn.

Good looking specimen. One thing I will do with any critter with interesting patterns is go for a closeup of the back, face, etc. to concentrate on the details.

Going low would be an option here if possible, they generally let you get pretty close until they catch your scent. If you could have gotten him a few inches (a foot) out, he would have been clear of the grasses. Plus watch the edges as the tail is clipped.

Also looks to have a red or magenta color cast.

Rich Reich
03-07-2009, 07:31 AM
I believe this is a nine-banded Armadillo which is common in Florida. It is mainly a noctural animal but obviously I observed this one in mid-afternoon.

Rich Reich
03-07-2009, 07:52 AM
Since this was my first direct observation of an armadillo, I didn't know what to expect as to how close he would let me get or how aggressive he would be. He was hard to get a clear shot of however since he spent most of his time under brush continually foraging in zig zag patterns. Most of the shots I got had large parts of his body obscured in the leaves.

Robert Amoruso
03-07-2009, 08:01 AM

Your right about them being mostly out at night. The curious thing is I see them out in the day at Merritt Island fairly routinely and on 520 running from Cocoa and Christmas, FL ever evening around 5:30 PM.

They have poor eye sight so I have walked right up to them but if they catch you sent they are off. Given the conditions, you nailed a good looking image of this guy in the day and I agree getting them out in the daylight is the exception and not the rule. Sorry if I sounded otherwise above. :)

Nate Chappell
03-07-2009, 01:44 PM
Nice catch Rich, I think a lower angle would have made this even better.