View Full Version : Black-crowned Night Heron

denise ippolito
02-26-2009, 03:38 PM
Canon 40D
1/2000 sec. at f/ 6.3
ISO 200
-1/3 EV
removed small branch from BG and added a touch of canvas for comp.
I may hear sirens!

Took this flight image at Anhinga Trail yesterday morning, later in the afternoon bumped into Alfred and Fabs, also BPN members Ed and Gail Cordes at Anhinga Trail.:D

Gus Cobos
02-26-2009, 04:21 PM
Hi Lady Denise,
I like the capture...would have liked to have seen him flying into the frame or before the point of departure from you...he is about to start his banking left turn to go away...I like the details in the under wing...the feet are nice and parallel and the head angle??? well lets just say that he is looking at his flight plan and terrain...:D I would suggest in dodging the shadows in the under wing to bring out more of the details...I like the sharp eye and the color rendition is very good...congrats...:cool:

Harold Davis
02-26-2009, 05:33 PM
those red eyes just do it for me!! you got a beautiful sky bg. the bird flying away doesnt bother me too bad. the eye is really prominent and tack sharp. some flash might have helped under the wing but it aint bad!!

Nonda Surratt
02-26-2009, 08:25 PM
No sirens, just a note in the mail maybe;)

the flying away doesn't really bother me much either, love the eye and the bird and BG are super together.

Alfred Forns
02-26-2009, 08:36 PM
Real nice Denise and you got it with the 500 !!!! Fancy acquiring ... not an easy feat !!!

Lance Peters
02-26-2009, 11:56 PM
Hi denise - agree with Gus's assement - if he had just been flying towsrd you instead of away or a little over the shoulder look back- woud have put it over the top.

Still - nice shot.