View Full Version : Scarlet Honeyeater (male)

Ákos Lumnitzer
02-20-2009, 05:15 PM
One of the more elusive Honeyeaters in my neck of the woods. Mostly, they spend their time high up in the eucalyptus tree canopies feeding on nectar, only their high-pitched, pleasant whistles giving them away. I happened to be at a friend's property where these are common, as many others and nesting hawks in the spring, and I used a call to arouse their curiosity. I was given a five-second window as he came down to check me out. I was at the time, using a borrowed 500mm IS lens with my 1.4x and it was almost too large in the frame. LOL!

Anyway, just clipped the bottom of the tail, which I retouched in CS3. I think I can still do some more refining of the bottom right-hand corner, but for now, this is a rare, and hard to get image. Thus it will stay. You can hear its call here (http://www.birdsinbackyards.net/images/audio/myzomela-sanguinolenta.mp3), but it is not quite how they call in my area. If anyone is interested, drop me an e-mail and I can send you a short burst of call.

30D, EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x, ISO 800, 1/640Sec., F/6.3, Evaluative metering, Exposure Compensation 0, 430EX with beamer, which probably made not much difference being about 20 feet away. Cropped a little from top and left, but only just.

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Axel Hildebrandt
02-20-2009, 06:04 PM
Great details and eye contact. I haven't seen this species before, thanks for showing! I might add a bit room at the top, would clone out the vertical bright stick on the bird's back and decrease the saturation of the reds a few points.

Rob Drummond
02-20-2009, 06:04 PM
Nice one Akos,
As you said, you don't many decent shots of these fast moving canopy dwellers - this is a beauty. I particularly like the alert posture and feather detail.

cheers Rob

Simon Bennett
02-20-2009, 07:18 PM
Good job to get this close, they are usually way up high. Intersting pose and good plumage detail. Red can be difficult to get right - I'd try backing off the reds a tad.

Juan Carlos Vindas
02-20-2009, 07:56 PM
Muy buen trabajo Akos!

I like this one since it sounds that is hard to get this guys close by. Colors and pose are very good. I only wish for a bit more of catch light, but as you mention, the bird was far away to get it. Don't forget that you can upload files with calls.