View Full Version : Rustic Bunting

Rene' Villela
02-05-2009, 08:30 AM
A new guy in my photo collection.
It was the first time a saw this kind and i was lucky to get a shot at him.
I was just walking and I heard him calling on a tree right next to me. I didn't have enough time to try to get a better angle. I was just lucky enough to have my camera ready.
I cloned all the branches around the bird and serious cropping.

All comments welcome. thank you!

Nikon D300 - AFS 300 f/4 - TC17eII, AP f/8, 1/2000s, ISO auto 900.

Arthur Morris
02-05-2009, 08:55 AM
Wonderful bird, perch, and pose. The image quality, however, is very poor and the cloning is beyond obvious (sorry, just the facts...) You need to learn to protect the subject when working close to it. Go to the Bulletin Archives and do a search for "Removing that branch" or for "Protect and Defend."

Axel Hildebrandt
02-05-2009, 12:25 PM
Pose and head angle are great and I don't think I've seen this species before. It looks a bit soft on my monitor and I agree regarding the cloning artifacts.

Rene' Villela
02-05-2009, 06:58 PM
Artie... don't worry about it! Just call it as you see it! Otherwise i wouldn't know when things are wrong or can be improved.
"Go to the Bulletin Archives and do a search for "Removing that branch" or for "Protect and Defend."
I couldn't find that Bulletin Archives, I took a look at all the links in BPN but no luck!

Axal... Now that I found this species I'l get a better shot later on so you can see see it well.


Arthur Morris
02-05-2009, 07:44 PM
Ah, Rene, Sorry for not being more specific. I assume that everyone knows of my BAA Bulletins. Go to www.birdsasart.com (http://www.birdsasart.com) and click on Bulletin Archives. There is a great Google search there. Once you see a few Bulletins you will want to subscribe.

Rene' Villela
02-05-2009, 09:30 PM
I should had thought of that!
Anyway, I am in my office and i have nothing to do. I worked on the image from the beginning again. Remember I just started working with photo shop when I became a member on this site so there is so much I don't know. I ordered a book from the US and I am just starting reading and learning about PS.
In the original post I had a problem. Some how the image had so many layers and It was confusing. Also I had cropped the image on NX2 before saving it to TIFF. This time I did it differently. I save the original image as TIFF without cropping. Then I look for a nice clean spot on the imagine to start my cloning. After I was done I cropped the image. I THINK, it looks better but then again it might not! Little by little I will learn! :) Then I'll teach YOU how to do it! :)
Really thank you for your help and time! i appreciate it!

Arthur Morris
02-06-2009, 07:46 PM
Hi Rene, The repost is much better but still suspect, especially around the head, neck, and crest. Try this: convert the RAW and then create a JPEG from that and post it. That will help us to help you.