View Full Version : Anna's Hummingbird 2

Aidan Briggs
01-30-2009, 10:01 PM
Different pose and perch this time, though still at the same location. Self critique: It is a little tight in the frame, and I should remove the OOF stick under the bird.

Tidelands Park, Morro Bay, CA

50D, 100-400 at 400
1/250, f/5.6 ISO 400
Fill flash

Aidan Briggs
01-30-2009, 10:06 PM
I just noticed a mistake in pp: there is a small faint black area due to hasty cloning.

Daniel Cadieux
01-30-2009, 10:14 PM
Yes, I see the repeated bill and forehead caused by hasty cloning ;-)

Good use of flash, but I would be tempted to darken the very brightest shiny part of the plumage just above bill. I'm finding the steepish angle a bit awkward - you could place a perch a bit lower (and find a more elegant perch while your at it ). The regal pose is nice, and the high-key element works remakably (and surprisingly)well for a hummingbird.

John Blumenkamp
01-30-2009, 10:28 PM
I think the colors work nicely against that sterile background... really nice detail in the feathers, etc. I think cropping some from the bottom would work. Nice image... and even better when you clone out that phantom on the left. ;)

Axel Hildebrandt
01-30-2009, 10:44 PM
Good-looking specimen and details, I wish for a lower angle and more eye contact.

Doug Brown
01-31-2009, 12:36 AM
I really like the high-key look. Agree with your self-critique and with Axel's suggestions.

Arthur Morris
01-31-2009, 07:32 AM

1-repost with the black marks (looks like the edge of the bill and head).
2-re-do from scratch with a bit less contrast (or tweak the Curve if you save layered files).
3-make your name a lot smaller and put it in one of the lower corners.
4-darken the pupil and then lighten the iris

You are doing well with the gorgets!

Aidan Briggs
01-31-2009, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the advice everyone. A lower angle was not possible as the bird was perched on a bush about 3 ft above me. Axel: If I had waited for better eye contact, I would have lost some of the shine in the gorget.

Juan Aragonés
01-31-2009, 02:24 PM
Hey, this pose looks more of a golden eagle than a tiny bird like this guy ;-) Just kidding. The pose is, using Daniél´s words, regal. I am a big fan of this kind of images in which the BG is white and the light is soft. I totally agree with Artie about the font size and position that you selected for your signature. It is very distracting. The colors and iridescences of the hummer are outstanding. I like it a lot