View Full Version : New GBH nest at Wakodahatchee

01-26-2009, 08:48 AM
Here's my take on the couple on top of the Cypress trees from last week's outing. I've been setting up a new computer (always a pain) and getting up to speed with CS4. This image with the 400 DO lens I've been complaining about. It is capable of being sharp even though it's slower at achieving focus than I would like.
ISO 640, 1/1600 @ f/4. Thanks for putting up with my complaining about the lens.

Arthur Morris
01-26-2009, 10:47 AM
Love the interaction, the head positions, the sharpness, COMP, and the light

The 400 DO is lightning fast as far as focus acquisition. Are you sure that you have your limit range switch set to far when doing flight photography? That is the only thing that might cut down on the speed of AF acquisition.

Robert Amoruso
01-26-2009, 01:21 PM

I have used Artie's 400DO and it seemed mighty fast so check what he suggests - I constantly turn off IS or leave the limiter in the wrong place. With the 600mm's limited close focusing, I find I switch back and forth a lot but get burned on the far off focus when it goes astray and starts searching.

Agree that you captured this one just right. Nice going.

Alexander Koenders
01-26-2009, 06:03 PM
Fore a gril with a Dutch name you realy make wonderfull pictures:) Loveley action Susan.