View Full Version : Kites fight

Rene' Villela
01-05-2009, 08:13 AM
I miss posting! The weather has been so bad so I've been indoors. 10 days off work and only just 1 so so day which I expend teaching my son how to use his camera.

Anyway, I miss your critiques so here is an old shot. One of the birds is clipped but the birds came too close and I didn't have time to move away or change lens. And the biggest crime, no eye contact! :) I was having a hard time to keep the birds in the frame. I still love the shot specially coz I haven't been able to take another one like it.

What do you guys think? Thank you for your time! Cheers!

Nikon D300 - (old) AF 300 f/4, AP f/8, 1/1250 sec, ISO 400, Hand held.

Bogdan Coltea
01-05-2009, 09:01 AM
Great action, good exposure, too bad it's clipped and they weren't facing you.

Axel Hildebrandt
01-05-2009, 09:04 AM
Great find and I agree with your self-critique. It would have been great to see the heads of the birds. I hope you will get another chance to photograph them if they stay in the area.