View Full Version : Black Swans courting - Rotorua , New Zealand

Tony Whitehead
01-19-2008, 02:34 PM
Nikon D300
200-400 @380
1/200s @ f5.6 ISO 400
Matrix - exp comp +1.0
Flash - 1.3
I would have preferred it a fraction later in their rotation to have a little more separation between the beak and neck the bird on the right. Other query is regarding water droplets - are there too many? - are they distracting?
advice and opinions appreciated

Nicole Brooker
01-19-2008, 03:02 PM
I like the composition and the poses you have captured. The water droplets don't bother me. Agree a little more rotation would have been nice but lovely interaction nonetheless.

Manos Papadomanolakis
01-19-2008, 03:29 PM
Unusual pose and great details!!!

Arthur Morris
01-19-2008, 06:20 PM
Sharp. Amazing dof for f/5.6. How big a crop is this? (If the birds were on the exact same plane--it is hard to tell--that would explain the fact that both birds are so sharp...) I love the design and the interaction. If you had been just a few inches to the right....

later and love, artie

Tony Whitehead
01-19-2008, 09:01 PM
Thanks for the comments. The birds are essentially in the same plane. I took a number of images as they were slowly rotating around each other and this was the best as both were sharp - a fraction of a second later would have got the beak/neck separation. It is a landscape image with the sides cropped off so not a huge crop