View Full Version : Osprey Portrait

Rick Moran
12-11-2008, 08:43 PM
At the everglades lighting was bad. D1X w 600/4 w 14x, f8@1/250sec, ec-2/3, I didn't want to blow the whites. Thanks for looking, Rick


Alfred Forns
12-11-2008, 09:02 PM
Hi Rich Exposure looks fine, see detail in the shadows and whites doing well. As presented you can go brighter on the bird without blowing whites. I like the intense look and different crop Also fine long lens technique sharp at that slow shutter speed !!!

Tony Whitehead
12-12-2008, 04:08 AM
Intense gaze in this portrait, Rick. I have tried a lightened version as Al suggested - also seemed to have a brownish cast which I have reduced then done some selective work on the eyes. NR and selective sharpening with some burning around the edges to draw the eye in to the face. I have pushed the eyes too far by way of illustration but if you do this on a layer and then back off the layer opacity to achieve what looks right.

Arthur Morris
12-12-2008, 01:56 PM
I too like the COMP and the intense eyes. Flash would have really helped. I like Tony's brighter repost (but for the fact that it looks a bit too blue).