View Full Version : Sanderling

Rich Steel
01-18-2008, 06:46 PM

We have quite a few sanderling on the local beach in the winter and they always provide good fun to photograph. This is a photo taken over the Christmas break, as lying on a cold beach always seems preferable to watching repeat films on the TV!!. I couldn't quite decide whether to crop this shot down on leave it with the reflection and in the end decided on the latter. I am currently working on trying to get some flight shots of these birds but sunshine is in very short supply here in the UK at the moment.


Taken with 1Dmk3 and 500mm lens at ISO400 F5 1/2000s



Stephen Stephen
01-18-2008, 06:53 PM
Paul I really enjoy this image. The bird has been captured in full stride with water dripping from its rear foot. I would have liked to see a touch more head room but still very nicely captured.

Marko Matesic
01-18-2008, 07:19 PM
Great action!...nice gentile light and reflexion .
I like it a lot!

Manos Papadomanolakis
01-19-2008, 09:56 AM
I really like the details and reflexion!!!

Nicole Brooker
01-19-2008, 02:54 PM
Nice action you've captured and I like the composition. Nice low angle too.

Rich Steel
01-20-2008, 03:55 AM
Thanks for your replies and comments.

