View Full Version : posting help

stuart wanuck
12-08-2008, 10:10 AM
wonder if someone out there can help me post.trying for 1 mo no success.know how to reduce image to less then 200 kb.every time i post get invalid file.would appreciate an evening call stuart 561-685-2613 use a mac HELP!

Doug Brown
12-08-2008, 10:58 AM
Hi Stuart. You also need to make sure that your images are no wider than 1024 pixels and no taller than 800 pixels. If that doesn't clear up the problem, let me know and I'll call you.

stuart wanuck
12-10-2008, 10:33 AM
Hi Stuart. You also need to make sure that your images are no wider than 1024 pixels and no taller than 800 pixels. If that doesn't clear up the problem, let me know and I'll call you.

doug appreciate your info.however i did what you suggested no luck.if you could call me one evening would appreciate 561-685-2613

stuart wanuck
12-10-2008, 10:34 AM
need assistance.info was performed but no luck.call if you can 561-685-2613