View Full Version : Sanderling

Hull Boy
11-24-2008, 06:05 AM
Canon 20D
1/2000 sec
100-400mm at 400mm
ISO 400

Doug Brown
11-24-2008, 12:04 PM
I like the low angle here. It's a little busy for my taste; my eye is not drawn to anything in particular in the frame. With this many subjects I might have used a smaller aperture to gain more DOF. Some negative EC would have helped protect the whites, which appear blown in some areas. Thanks for posting

Daniel Cadieux
11-24-2008, 12:36 PM
I like the group feeding behaviour you depict here with the nice low angle. With the zoom lens used I'm wondering if the scene was worth pulling back and taking a wider framing of what was going on? Of the trio of front birds I wish the one at our right was turned more like the others and more room in front.