View Full Version : Freeze!!!

Ed Vatza
11-17-2008, 08:44 PM

This is definitely a habitat image. American Bittern freeze in this posture when they perceive a threat. In this case, the threat came from a small cadre of birders standing on the opposite bank. The Bittern remained frozen like this for at least 15 minutes while the birders observed. I remained in my car. Image made earlier in November at Forsythe NWR in Brigantine, NJ.

Canon 50D; Canon 300mm f/2.8L IS w/ 2x TC; BLUBB-mounted on my Prius window.

1/800 sec @ f/8; ISO 400; +1/3 EV; FL 600mm (Effective FL 960mm)

James Salywoda
11-17-2008, 09:22 PM
Nice setting and I like the alert pose captured. Typical Bittern trying to be elusive

Stu Bowie
11-18-2008, 02:15 AM
He is so well camoflauged in his enviroment. Well done here.

Arthur Morris
12-12-2008, 06:23 PM
There is a huge difference between a habitat image (of what is) and a good habit image.

This one has many, many problems that I wish folks would have mentioned:

1-Simply too much clutter.
2-The light is very harsh.
3-The sun angle is less than ideal.
4-There is a piece of grass nearly touching the eye.
5-The o-o-f grasses in the foreground are to be avoided.

The best news: the image is sharp.