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View Full Version : Yellow-eyed Junco

Gus Hallgren
11-12-2008, 06:12 PM
Hi Folks:

With Gina's sister visiting from Bournemouth, UK we decided to spend the night at Madera Kubo B&B, Madera Canyon, AZ at 5000". It was delightful, and enjoyed the scent of a wood burning stove all night. This morning I sat outside with my coffee, and woolies hoping for a few birds to drop in for company. Lucky me, First came the White-breasted Nuthatch, flighty as usual, then the Bridled Titmouse, even flightier, along with the Acorn Woodpecker and one of Nonda's squirrels. Got shots of them all, and then, Mr Yellow Eye turned up, even got one with perfect HA, but mouth open and not sharp against the dark background. It was early morning in the shade with occassional rays of sunshine coming through the leaves and I need flash to help me.

With the long low shape I thought a Pano would look best???

Uncle Gus aka "Windy"

CC's welcome and always appreciated.

Olympus E-520 IS, Kuiko 70-300 mm (140-600 mm Equiv)
Aperture Priority
F/5.6, 1/160s
ISO 400
Auto WB
430 mm focal length

Gus Hallgren
11-12-2008, 06:37 PM
Lighter version . . . done in Corel Painter . . .

Which do you prefer?

Uncle Gus

Jackie Schuknecht
11-12-2008, 07:47 PM
My vote for the second Gus, I have never seen this bird before, thanks for sharing.

Alfred Forns
11-12-2008, 10:34 PM
Excellent Gus !!! Sure would like that little head tilt to have the eye square !!!

Julie Kenward
11-13-2008, 07:56 AM
I do love the little morsel in his mouth...nice bonus! I prefer the darker version but could see where lightening it up a little might be nice.

Beautiful bird...thanks for giving us a peek at him!

denise ippolito
11-13-2008, 12:14 PM
Gus, nice photo-I like orig.

Arthur Morris
11-13-2008, 02:25 PM
Wonderful bird and nice BKGR. I would prefer something in between for brightness. The killer is that ray of sunshine...

Gail Spitler
11-13-2008, 03:55 PM
Personally I would vote for desaturating and lightening just the green in the bg via PS.
Nice bird.

Gus Cobos
11-13-2008, 06:28 PM
Uncle Gus,
I like the second post. The eye looks a little funny...just a slight tilt to the top...good show...:cool: