View Full Version : Marshall Point Lighthouse

Michael Pancier
10-27-2008, 09:32 AM

Port Clyde Maine

20dIR + 10-22
Manual Mode
Exposure: 1/80
Aperture: f/16
Focal Length: 16 mm
ISO Speed: 200
Exposure Bias: +2 EV

Joanna Trescott
10-27-2008, 09:41 AM
Michael: Did you convert this from a color shot? I really like all of the strong lines and how you havve centered the lighthouse. If so, which technique did you use? Very dramatic

denise ippolito
10-27-2008, 09:54 AM
Michael, This has such a dramatic feel- must be the B&W. I love the sky, you seem to have a way of making the sky have so much impact-Any tips on how to achieve that? Also I see you use the Nix software. I am thinking of purchasing but not sure which package is best. I want to get the filter pkg. but do you think I should also get the sharpening one? Have you tried the sharpening software.

Michael Pancier
10-27-2008, 09:54 AM
Michael: Did you convert this from a color shot? I really like all of the strong lines and how you havve centered the lighthouse. If so, which technique did you use? Very dramatic

Joanna, I took this with an IR Converted 20d. It shoots full time deep IR B&W.

I just set the tripod parallel with the lighthouse and shot. I had to use my hand to block the sun on the left to avoid the lens flare.

that was about it.

Michael Pancier
10-27-2008, 09:58 AM
Michael, This has such a dramatic feel- must be the B&W. I love the sky, you seem to have a way of making the sky have so much impact-Any tips on how to achieve that? Also I see you use the Nix software. I am thinking of purchasing but not sure which package is best. I want to get the filter pkg. but do you think I should also get the sharpening one? Have you tried the sharpening software.

Denise, the deep ir converted camera will make deep blue skies look black. I use Nik viveza to pinpoint tones that need adjustment and I sometimes pick the sky tone and darken it. I used viveza to lighten up the main lighthouse, and some of the rocks on the right.

I've not used the sharpening, but being the dumb dumb that I am, I picked up all the tools (color efx, viveza, and silver efx) seperate. I should have bought the bundle. much cheaper and it includes the sharpener which I hear is great.

If you can get the bundle do so. If you only could get one tool, get the color effects pro. But the viveza is the most useful though for dodging, burning, color correction, etc.

denise ippolito
10-27-2008, 10:09 AM
Thanks Michael you answered my other question in the process!

Julie Kenward
10-27-2008, 10:51 AM
Denise, you can download each of the NIK software products for a free 15-day trial. Stop by their website and give a couple a go and I think that will help you make your decision!

Michael, if you don't do a book on IR photography some day soon I'm going to have to look you up and kick your backside. Your stuff is phenomenal and I would love to know exactly how you do it, from camera setup to pp.

denise ippolito
10-27-2008, 11:10 AM
Julie, I did try to download them last night but it didn't work w/ 64 bit or cs4 . The company said they would be fixing that shortly. Was I misinformed? Do you use it w/ CS4 ?

Michael Pancier
10-27-2008, 12:50 PM
Julie, I did try to download them last night but it didn't work w/ 64 bit or cs4 . The company said they would be fixing that shortly. Was I misinformed? Do you use it w/ CS4 ?

On my Mac, I was able to use all my Nik plug ins in CS 4. But the Mac does not handle 64 bit anyway with Cs4.

with windows, you will need to wait for a fix.

Julie, everything I do in my IR work is practically out of the camera. I shoot in Manual and usually have to set the exposure to +2Ev or less if it's really sunny.

I boost contrast and lower brightness and reduce saturation and I'm pretty much done. :D

Maybe I'll write an article for BPN, but not enough for a book though ...;)

Julie Kenward
10-27-2008, 01:35 PM
Denise, I downloaded the Nik Software trials before I downloaded CS4 so Michael's right - you will probably have to wait on them. However...do take advantage of them when they are ready as they are really quite cool.

Chris Starbuck
10-27-2008, 01:50 PM
As usual I love your landscapes, regardless of spectrum. Another great one.

Where did you have your 20D converted to IR, or did you buy it already converted (and where)? How much $$? I've ordered a 50D, and am considering having my 20D converted to IR.

Michael Pancier
10-27-2008, 02:04 PM
As usual I love your landscapes, regardless of spectrum. Another great one.

Where did you have your 20D converted to IR, or did you buy it already converted (and where)? How much $$? I've ordered a 50D, and am considering having my 20D converted to IR.

Chris, I used lifepixel www.lifepixel.com

check out their site. they have different prices depending on the type of conversion and the camera. I simply sent in my old 20d.

Chris Starbuck
10-27-2008, 03:28 PM
Thanks Michael!

Gus Cobos
10-27-2008, 07:47 PM
Great capture Michael. I like the board walk leading to the lighthouse...:cool:

Alfred Forns
10-28-2008, 07:20 AM
One impressive image Mike !!!! Would love seeing this as a straight B&W !!