View Full Version : Apostle Bird

Ian Colley
01-16-2008, 01:43 AM
Photographed in North Western NSW, late afternoon sun.

From a beanbag flat on the ground.

Olympus E500, 50-200mm, EC14
Ap. Priority, comp -0.3, 1/160 F5, ISO 400 RAW, 158mm 90% of original
PS - Levels, Smart Sharpen, curves, Colur adj neutral & Black

Jacqui Hendry
01-16-2008, 02:51 AM
Excellent detail in the feathers, eye nice and sharp and the grey and black look good to me :)
Altogether a lovely photograph of a lovely little bird

PS do you know why it is called an Apostle Bird?


Simon Bennett
01-16-2008, 03:46 AM
Ian, this image shows the scaled plumage really well, I also like the sharp eye and the nuances of tones you've captured - well done.

John Cooper
01-16-2008, 04:36 AM
You certainly got a nice low perspective here Ian. Love the feather detail and angle of the head. Rather an unusal recording of the Apostle Bird that in profile is relatively long and slender. Good work.

(So named as they get around in small groups - roughly around 12, hence their name)

Jacqui Hendry
01-16-2008, 06:15 AM
Thank you John

I find things like that really interesting :D


Chris van Rooyen
01-16-2008, 06:16 AM
Ian I like this a lot:D. The strong points have already been mentioned. I find that working with side lighting is very difficult on smaller subjects, as they often do not have the dramatic feather texture of large birds e.g, eagles. However, personally I feel you have succeeded very well here through a combination of filling the frame with a smaller subject and the soft light quality bringing out the details in the shadows.

Arsdel Fluesmeier
01-16-2008, 06:23 PM
The detail and sharpness is spectacular here. well done.

Anita Rakestraw
01-17-2008, 01:47 AM
Outstanding, in my opinion! I LOVE this little bird!

Ian Colley
01-17-2008, 02:12 AM
Jacqui - Thank you for your comments, I am pleased you like the image. I see your question has been answered re the name.

Simon - Thank you, appreciated, I must admit I was surprised myself re the 'scales'. Something I hadn't noticed before on these birds, it's now quite obvious when I see them.

John - I like to get as low as I can for the ground feeding birds, thanks for helping Jacqui out with her question.

Chris, thankyou, I think the side lighting helped enhance this shot.

Aesdel - thankyou, appreciated.

Anita - I am pleased you like it.