View Full Version : Greater Yellowlegs

Paul Lagasi
10-09-2008, 07:28 PM
Another nearly tame bird, at one of the local walking trails, came in for a closer look, while we were on boardwalk...gave me lots of time to lower my angle, pop up flash......results were great....my only wish was that I had gotten all of the reflection...Paul

D300 sigma 80-200 2x @ 270mm f/11 1/250 iso-800 fill flash handheld

Jim Poor
10-10-2008, 08:41 AM
Hi Paul,

Since you didn't get all of the reflection (not a very compelling reflection anyway with the water movement) I'm not sure a portrait crop is the best approach to this image. I'd be tempted to go landscape with the subject to the right of center. That would also let you get rid of the stick in the lower right.

I realize you would be cutting off the "virtual legs" that way, but sometimes rules are made to be broken.

Doug Brown
10-10-2008, 11:59 AM
I agree with Jim about a horizontal crop here. Also about cleaning up the water a bit. A lower angle would have been nice. Thanks for posting!

Paul Lagasi
10-11-2008, 11:19 AM
Thought it looked good in natural surroundings, water motion due to bird hunting...but like the reposted image much better, as to getting lower, limited by height of boardwalk but I did try Doug, to get as low as I could..so some of this is beginning to sink in ...thanks Doug and Jim