View Full Version : I Want More!

10-03-2008, 05:10 PM
I am revisiting this photo from 2006 after learning more PP techniques. I eliminated a really big stick from in front of the osprey's tail and wing and lightened the face of the chick. I think I really like it now.
1000mm, ISO 400, f/8, 1/500. Do you think it's too busy? I'm sure the Head Angle Police will get after me for the adult, but she was too busy to look at me.

Lance Peters
10-03-2008, 06:26 PM
Hi Susan - I like it - Personally I dont find the HA a problem, eye is visible and its a behavourial/action image that works IMHO.

Linda Robbins
10-04-2008, 06:10 AM
Hi Susan,

What a demanding baby! I like the moment captured. You did a good job removing the stick, however the narrow rear wing piece and the tail have a blue cast. You can easily fix that with levels. Select those two areas, then choose the blue channel and remove the blue cast. Then darken with the midtone slider and perhaps darken a little more with the black slider if needed. I also think a slight boost in contrast would improve this nice image!