View Full Version : Whooping Cranes and Ultralights

Keith Kennedy
10-02-2008, 05:04 PM
Last summer, David and I made 3 attempts to photograph the ultralight pilots training whooping cranes with no luck--weather conditions were not good for flying (Operation Migration, Necedah NWR). I finally got to see them fly two weeks ago. Note that the pilot is wearing a 'crane suit'--during their training, the young cranes are never allowed to see a human. The class of 2008 (ca. 15 whoopers) will depart Necedah NWR on Oct 17 for Florida, weather permitting. Will post a few more images as time permits. And yes--I did clip the wing:D. For more info on Operation Migration--Google it.

Canon EOS 1D Mark III; Canon 500 mm f4.0; exposure mode = AV; metering = evaluative; ISO 800; f6.3; 1/1600s; exposure comp +1; Gitzo tripod

Maxis Gamez
10-02-2008, 08:27 PM
This is OUTSTANDING!!! I was just reading about this last week...

Sooooo cute!! I would love that job... hehe! :)

Thank you for sharing!

Lana Hays
10-03-2008, 07:31 AM
I've seen quite a few images of the cranes in flight with the Ultralights as I follow the migration each year. However, this is the best that I've seen. I love how close and detailed this one is. Excellent.

Anita Rakestraw
10-03-2008, 11:56 AM
Very cool, Keith! Great photo! Thanks for posting!!

Grady Weed
10-03-2008, 01:54 PM
I hope they make a big come back.

Mike Tracy
10-03-2008, 02:11 PM
Nicely done. You should have used a slow shutter speed for prop blur ;).

James Salywoda
10-03-2008, 10:38 PM
Outstanding shot and thanks for sharing the story behind it....