View Full Version : Marbled Godwit

Aidan Briggs
09-26-2008, 09:32 PM
Taken on a horrible overcast day, on a small beach.

400D, 100-400/4.5-5.6,
f/6.3, 1/320, ISO 200.
Almost full frame.

Keith Carver
09-27-2008, 04:49 AM
I like the framing and low angle, Aidan. Welcome to BPN! Overcast can be good for even lighting of the bird (as you have here), if you have enough light. The bird looks a little soft, probably because of the 1/320 sec exposure. Next time, try turning up your ISO to 400 or even 800 with your 40D, which will give a faster shutter speed, sharper image. Thanks for posting, and we look forward to seeing more.

Judy Lynn Malloch
09-27-2008, 07:35 AM
Good comments from above. Love the low angle in this capture and a big welcome to BPN. Will look forward to your future posts Aidan.

Doug Brown
09-27-2008, 09:18 AM
Welcome Aidan! You did well with the exposure, but the bird is both a little soft and somewhat pixelated. Remember to size your images at up to 200 KB. I like the low angle. Agree with bumping your ISO both for more shutter speed and for the ability to stop down your 100-400 which does best at f/8 or so.

Linda Robbins
09-27-2008, 02:33 PM
Welcome to BPN! Nice low perspective and good composition. Keith's advice is good....in low light increase your ISO so you will have plenty of shutter speed. On overcast dreary days, a little fill flash will improve your images too. Look forward to seeing more of your images!