View Full Version : Dreamy Daffodil

Dave Woeller
09-26-2008, 05:29 PM
For those of us who haven't invested in a lensbaby (yet), we are left to manipulate images in our computers.:) This particular daffodil was shot in my home and worked in photoshop. It seemed to be an OK image, but I thought I would try to use some imagination to set it off as different. The main affect here is manipulation with a filter called Meloncholytron from Flaming Pear. After working several of the settings in the filter, I was able to come up with this image. Seems to resemble more a painting than a photo to me. All thoughts appreciated. It was a fun project.

Julie Kenward
09-26-2008, 07:29 PM
Dave, this is really lovely! Until I read your process I thought perhaps you had desaturated it or tried your hand at Fab's hand painting technique. I love the way you balanced the softness of the image with the two darker spots both above and below the flower's edge. Very creative and nicely done!

Dave Woeller
09-26-2008, 08:02 PM
Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement Julie. I admire your work very much which makes it even more meaningful to me. i didn't think I would ever get this shot the way I wanted. There are just so many directions you can go. As I said before, it sure is fun, but I'm certainly no threat to you and Gus Cobos or others here in this forum. :D

Julie Kenward
09-26-2008, 08:12 PM
Oh pooey! :p I think this is every bit as lovely as anything Gus and I would come up with. ;):D;)

It's all about stretching yourself not only as a photographer but as an artist as well...and you did that tonight in lovely fashion. Keep at it...I've found that the more time I give to my creative "artistic" side the better my photography in the field gets. You'll truly be surprised how it opens up the creative aspects of composing an image and looking for the perfect angle when you get down in the mud of a program like Photoshop and dive off the deep end with an image.

You're in the deep end now...keep swimming! :)

Fabs Forns
09-30-2008, 08:33 AM
You are up to good things with the Lensbaby and Flaming Pear. I use and love both :)
Did you know they got a new one out?
Check their website.

Lovely hues of soft yellows in a great composition, what more can we ask for?

Dave Woeller
10-03-2008, 12:46 PM
Thanks Fabs. Yes I did see a post with a link for the new Lensbaby in the Photo gear forum. As it happens, the Photoplus expo show is coming up in New York City 10/23/08 to 10/26/08. I will be attending along with my wife and son. Hope to get to handle some of this new rquipment while I'm there. What a show, I'm like a kid in a huge toy store. I can hear my wallet crying already. www.photoplusexpo.com (http://www.photoplusexpo.com)