View Full Version : In for a Dive

kevin Tressel
09-25-2008, 09:12 PM
I am relatively new to Photography, especially Avian photography.

I heard Art's interview with Scott Bourne on This Week in Photography (TWIP).

I took this picture in spring with my new Nikon D60 using a sigma 70-300 mm lens

This bird was flying above the Delaware River in Pennsylvania.

Fabs Forns
09-26-2008, 08:44 AM
Hi Kevin, big welcome to BPN, I hope we can help you improve your skills and please feel right at home :)

Good to get the bird in flight, not an easy task. Main problem is the light angle, that leaves the face in the shadow. You also have more negative space behind the bird and less where you need it, in front of him or under, to fly into.

Catching this in vertical would have given you a better composition, but it would have been harder to execute.

Keep them coming!

Alfred Forns
09-26-2008, 03:44 PM
Big Welcome Kevin

Good advice from Fabs Can add framing wise try acquiring the bird from a distance, let him fill the frame (half to 3/4) the make the image. Do look for a specific moment then make a series of exposures. For flight a camera with fast firing rate is an asset. Will allow to catch those special wing poses !!! Looking forward to many more.