View Full Version : Head on Hummer

Michael Lloyd
09-20-2008, 11:42 AM
I started to put this in wild and free but the image lacks "pop" to me. It's flat. I like the composition. I like a lot of things about it... yet it still seems lacking. Thoughts? Suggestions? Typically I'll use a little fill flash. For some reason I didn't with this one. It's possible that the flash wasn't making good contact in the hotshoe. I have problems with that for some reason. I know I had the Better Beamer and 580EXII on the camera but "Flash Did Not Fire" in the EXIF indicates that it was either not on... or it misfired.

I should also mention that this was shot with extension tubes. It is not a tight crop


ISO Speed Ratings = 640
Shutter Speed (Exposure Time) = 1/400 second
Aperture = F8
Flash = Flash did not fire
Focal Length = 600 mm

Julie Kenward
09-20-2008, 12:08 PM
Michael, I think he just needs a little curves tweak in CS3 or possibly even a shadow/highlight adjustment. I pulled the midtones up in curves and gave the greens just a tad more saturation and finished with a really slight bump in brightness. Not sure if this is what you had in mind but here's what I came up with.

Michael Lloyd
09-20-2008, 02:53 PM
Julie, Thanks for taking the time to work on my image. To tell the truth I don't know exactly what it is that bugs me about it. The greens and red in the original are more true to what the bird looks like but I like the whites in your edit better. Sometimes I wish there was a big "FIX IMAGE" button in CS3 :D Maybe CS4 will have one :D

Julie Kenward
09-20-2008, 03:01 PM
Maybe it's just that you aren't used to such plain white BG's? Other than that, I don't get it. I think this image is as sweet as all get out. (Geez, I sound like my mother!!!) :eek::(:eek:

Michael Lloyd
09-20-2008, 03:24 PM
Maybe it's just that you aren't used to such plain white BG's? Other than that, I don't get it. I think this image is as sweet as all get out. (Geez, I sound like my mother!!!) :eek::(:eek:

:D I think this website has "affected" me. Maybe I'm being overly critical? I still want a FIX IMAGE button...

Michael Lloyd
09-20-2008, 05:48 PM
OK. Plan B. I was reading through BAA#2 and came across some things that may or may not have helped...

(edit)... ehh... maybe not...

Jill Davis
09-20-2008, 07:25 PM
i like the whites in jules better. maybe just take what she did and add some saturation to get the colors back. it might work for ya!